Recruiting Forum Football Talk II

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My wife works at Vanderbilt, hospital side not university, and a person in her department just tested positive for Corona. They are most likely about to have everyone work from home. She’s also been getting her Masters this year and that has been moved entirely online starting this week. Now my program that I have been in for the past 6 months is also moving online. We’re just waiting for my work to close and then we’re gonna hang out all week “working” and drinking Coronas.

My wife works in the business side of nursing homes. She has 9 buildings she is over throughout the state. She was scheduled to be on the road all week, but they pulled her off the road Tuesday night and said work from home until further notice. Said going from building to building around older people with weak immune systems was way to risky.
Obviously, I’m not a medical person, but I’m pretty sure the heat in the summer helps prevent the spread of the flu. What virus enjoys 95 degree heat? Seriously, I think it is a real factor.

I’m no scientist but I believe the flu spreads in the winter months because people have lower Vitamin D levels. Less sun = less Vitamin D which isn’t good for your immune system.

I’ve been taking D3 supplement for years and have seen a big drop in the frequency of my own colds. Anecdotal evidence doesn’t prove it but seems to work for me.
I’m no scientist but I believe the flu spreads in the winter months because people have lower Vitamin D levels. Less sun = less Vitamin D which isn’t good for your immune system.

I’ve been taking the D3 supplement for years and have seen a big drop in the frequency of my own colds. Anecdotal evidence doesn’t prove it but seems to work for me.

All I read...😏
I’m no scientist but I believe the flu spreads in the winter months because people have lower Vitamin D levels. Less sun = less Vitamin D which isn’t good for your immune system.

I’ve been taking D3 supplement for years and have seen a big drop in the frequency of my own colds. Anecdotal evidence doesn’t prove it but seems to work for me.

And people are in the sun more often in warmer weather, thus getting more Vitamin D. Does make more sense, ultimately our own immune system being stronger will be the determining factor in how quickly things like this spread. Healthier countries are typically impacted in a smaller scale with this sort of stuff.
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Y’all know this, but my dad has dementia. He needs 24/7 care. This past Friday I took him to the neurologist, and I had to fill out a health questionnaire for him. BUT no questionnaire for me. Nurse pointed out the same thing. Said it’s not accomplishing a ton to screen patients who are unable to bring themselves to appointments. The “check-the-box” mentality worries me most with this.
What test do doctors run to determine dementia, my wife is having memory problems and they can't seem to find the problem. Just had a spinal tap done yesterday.
I mean it's good overall that globally we're trying to mitigate the spread of this virus, but there is definitely some over the top mania unwarranted I believe.

CDC list the US with less than 1k cases as of yesterday, with 29 deaths.

Since October the Flu Virus is estimated to have accounted for 20k to 52k deaths in the US.
I’m no scientist but I believe the flu spreads in the winter months because people have lower Vitamin D levels. Less sun = less Vitamin D which isn’t good for your immune system.

I’ve been taking D3 supplement for years and have seen a big drop in the frequency of my own colds. Anecdotal evidence doesn’t prove it but seems to work for me.

That's part of it. The virus also survives better in cooler temperatures and is able to remain suspended in the air longer in lower humidity. When humidity levels increase, the virus falls and people are less likely to become infected. Being indoors (confined spaces) more often in colder months is a factor too.
What test do doctors run to determine dementia, my wife is having memory problems and they can't seem to find the problem. Just had a spinal tap done yesterday.

Most family physicians can run the normal cognitive tests in office when having a physical if they see symptoms or are informed beforehand. Then a referral is made to a specialist for more evals. However, there are many other ailments that can cause symptoms that make it appear like early stages of dementia or other Alzheimer types.
Most family physicians can r the normal cognitive tests in office when having a physical if they see symptoms or are informed beforehand. Then a referral is made to a specialist for more evals. However, there are many other ailments that can cause symptoms that make it appear like early stages of dementia or other Alzheimer types.
Family physician referred her to neurologist and he did blood test, ct scan , mri, and yesterday had spinal tap done. Waiting on results from spinal tap.
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