Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, TikTok, Snapchat, etc. There are a few reasons I have never signed up for any of these apps. I still have my FB, but I get on about 1 time per 2-3 months just because my wife says "why didn't you like the photo I just posted!?!" to which I reply with "because of the reason why you are asking me to like it". I need to get rid of it. And this is coming from a 32 year old. I get wanting to "keep up with friends" and "follow my sports program", but:
1) How long has it been since you actually carried a meaningful convo with said person/people you are mentioning that you want to "stay in contact with"? If it has been over a year, good chance (realizing there are a few situations that are different) you actually don't care about the relationship
2) (just staying with sports here) there are many other ways like reading articles and fan sites where you get much more content than Twitter/Instagram/etc. A part of the fan experience is talking with a group of individuals who enjoy the same sport/team that you do (read Volnation here)
End rant. Man, I feel old now.