i want to preface this with the fact that this has nothing to do with your post specifically, but isn't it funny that every single article or radio talk by any person in knoxville is just immediately shat on in this forum? Lol "alledged source xyz" know nothing, it's clickbait, he doesn't have real sources, gets all his info off VQ then passes it as his own, he's just stirring the pot, etc. And a ton of people also say the VQ people know nothing or just lie/hide info they have.
I mean, someone out of these 20-30 people claiming to have inside info actually does have legit inside info... That's just statistical probability. But i love how everything is just shut down depending on if the source is your radio host of choice or someone you don't like to follow.
I remember AV mentioning it and said he thought they had it under wraps at the moment. I never really heard anything else about it, so I assumed it stayed under wraps.Maybe I'm off on the timing, but I thought there was some unspecified Very Bad Thing that happened in the program in the last year that if it ever got out was going to be terrible.
She tore an ACL and we took her to our Vet and they suggested the surgery and scheduled it 3 weeks out. Prior to the surgery, she tore the other ACL and the surgeon suggested we just do them both at the same time. Glad we did it that way because it was much easier on us and I didn't want to put her through 2 recoveries--we saved about $1500 tooJoin the club.....it isn’t cheap but it is worth it. Unreal that you had both of them done AT THE SAME TIME !! Never heard of that before. Enjoy those labs....mine was the runt of a certain women’s basketball coach we all know and I blame her for letting my lab go in and out of her pool using the ladder. I think that is what tore her ligament. Great memories......she LOVED her labs!!!
I've never had a cur. I've had labs, goldens, english mastiff, chihuahua, dashshund, and pit bulls. My favorite was my mastiff because he was just cool and laid back. The smartest by far, and it's really not even close, have been my pit bulls. It's amazing how quick they learn and follow commands, but also just how they seem to kind of know what you want them to do without even saying anything. Good at keeping pests out of the yard too.We are going to be getting a Brindle Cur in February. Pretty excited. Anyone in here ever owned one?
Like slicky said, miniature schnauzer is the first thing that pops up when you research that. However, my guess is you will have to spend some money for a puppy from any of those breeds that are hypoallergenic. They are probably all highly sought after, especially the smaller ones. Not sure if Jack Russells are on that list for hypoallergenic breeds or not, but we just got a puppy for my daughter and paid around $450-475 for it. If you are interested in that Breed, make sure to get the smooth coat, as their hair coat is very short and probably will not shed hardly any. Text me if you have any other questions. We got ours from a lady in South Carolina, and I can get the contact from my wife if you want it. She has a couple of other contacts that she was in touch with as well. One of them is up near Lexington, Kentucky, I think, which would be pretty close to you.Off topic...
I would like to get a puppy for my son. I love dogs, had them all my life but they were outside dogs. I'm allergic to dogs. I want to get him one that we can keep inside. That means small and hypoallergenic. No shedding either. Also I would rather not spend $1000 on a dog. I've looked at yorkies but they seem expensive.
Also, I'm not against a rescue but I need to be confident that it's a hypoallergenic breed.
I've got some friends who have tested positive for Covid and are only experiencing mild symptoms. They are not being treated with the Covid drugs and that just doesn't make sense because they are over 60. They are in quarantine and being treated with over the counter medicine. Has anyone else seen anything like this?She’s had a mild “cold” so she thought. Just minor symptoms like the sniffles and no taste or smell. My daughter was the same way a couple of weeks ago too.
Same reason they always say before the season that all the players are stronger, faster, and in the best shape of their life.Why do these stories only come out when we want a coach fired? His first couple of years it's always he's great, way better than the douche of a coach we had before...then all the reports this coach is as douchey as the last one.
If they’re not having serious symptoms, they’re pretty much zincing up.I've got some friends who have tested positive for Covid and are only experiencing mild symptoms. They are not being treated with the Covid drugs and that just doesn't make sense because they are over 60. They are in quarantine and being treated with over the counter medicine. Has anyone else seen anything like this?
This is because of price gauging and an overall shortage due to increased demand. My only credentials in the matter are that I handle the analytics involved with acquiring PPE and pharma for a TN, MS, and AR hospital system, no clinical insight.I've got some friends who have tested positive for Covid and are only experiencing mild symptoms. They are not being treated with the Covid drugs and that just doesn't make sense because they are over 60. They are in quarantine and being treated with over the counter medicine. Has anyone else seen anything like this?
Garza sponsors TB's show so that would make sense.TB is talking with Marcos Garza about how this could be playing out behind the scenes legally. Basically spitballing that UT is going to present Pruitt with the compliance violations and say we have reason to fire you for cause, let's negotiate a number somewhere between $0 and the full buyout that we can both live with and go our separate ways. Jimmy Sexton is going to be an impediment to negotiating, because Sexton doesn't want to set a precedent for the coach-favorable deals that he gets for his clients that are loaded up with failure money. If the case isn't strong enough and they fire him for cause, Pruitt might have a claim for wrongful termination which in a worst-case scenario carries treble damages. So both sides have some leverage depending on the specific facts, which no one knows.
Interestingly, Sean Sinclair referenced a completely different issue that Pruitt has that is separate and apart from the NCAA compliance issues. Said it reflects really poorly on Pruitt. Also mentioned it on the post-game show Saturday, but never any specifics. Wonder if this has anything to do with the long-rumored "event over the summer" that our board insiders have referenced?
90% of PCR positives are not active infections (NYT article). It’s very possible your friends have a common cold, flu, or sinus infection and decided to get tested out of caution. The test then picks up on a COVID infection from 6 months ago or is just a false positive.I've got some friends who have tested positive for Covid and are only experiencing mild symptoms. They are not being treated with the Covid drugs and that just doesn't make sense because they are over 60. They are in quarantine and being treated with over the counter medicine. Has anyone else seen anything like this?
I have already had Covid, but since I work in medical transit I was given the chance to take the Vaccine by the county health department our company is based in..I told them hell yes, I might as well if it will help put peoples mind more at ease, but we have seven other drivers, all over age 50, and only two others agreed to get it...and yet they are all scared to death of Covid....that is dumb.Covid vaccine tomorrow. I’m going to be a nice Zombie though.