Recruiting Forum Football Talk III

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Had my second dose of the Pfizer vaccine mid-afternoon Friday. Arm was pretty sore Friday night, had chills overnight and woke up with a headache Saturday morning. All day Saturday was headache, muscles/joints aching and tired. Woke up this morning feeling 100%... pretty much exactly as expected. Our clinics are still running at about 35% with our COVID+ census dropping about 15% over the past two weeks.
I don’t want to tell my reaction to Moderna. Folks might not take it.
HOT TAKE: I think the coaching search is already over and White got his guy. Here is why;

Steven Godfrey, a CFB guru & media person, tweeted the night before Pruitt was fired that "Coaching Season Aint Over" and today he tweeted about the same thing while referring to his orginal tweet. We are pretty much the only big opening left in the country worthy of media attention. I honestly think we have our coach by 3pm ET tomorrow & I think its going to be someone no one has discussed on Twitter or in media. (No fleck, no MARRONE, no Franklin, no Kiffin)

Godfrey’s tweet today made me think Kiffin — if Godfrey was tweeting that because he knew something about our search. Problem is I don’t think he does.
Mario Cristobal would do well here, but didn’t he just sign an extension including a massive buyout?

You have to think that if he wants to come back south, there are only a couple of jobs that he would bolt Oregon for. While not exactly Nike money, we have comparable resources, facilities, etc.

He actually makes a lot of sense if it weren’t for the recent extensions. But maybe DW is willing to go all in on the buyout.
Had my second dose of the Pfizer vaccine mid-afternoon Friday. Arm was pretty sore Friday night, had chills overnight and woke up with a headache Saturday morning. All day Saturday was headache, muscles/joints aching and tired. Woke up this morning feeling 100%... pretty much exactly as expected. Our clinics are still running at about 35% with our COVID+ census dropping about 15% over the past two weeks.
What was it like after your first does?
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At this point, enough names have been dropped, that someone has to be correct eventually. Of course knowing UT, it will be the coach from San Jose State and we all are way off.
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Currie was at a basketball game when we thought he was out fishing for a whale. Ended up having Schiano in the chamber.

White was at a basketball game yesterday. 🤔
Talking very publicly with Haslam. I don't think he does much without thinking about the PR associated with it so I wondered if that was planned.
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