Recruiting Forum Football Talk III

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Everything @AtlantaVol shared was true. We had a big hire on the line and it was Franklin for sure. But didn’t happen. Some deals don’t get done. No investigation then we spend the money for the right guy. Gives me hope we will spend for a good staff and have a guy who wants to be here. Time to support and hope this guy is it.
Thanks for sharing. I really like having someone who wants to be here that appreciates our traditions and potential. I hope more fans realize what an asset that is and fully get behind him.
I look around the SEC at the teams that are successful, and that's not how it's done. I'm not trying to be overly negative. I'm trying to stay realistic. But this kind of offer worries me. Pruitt may have been an ass, but he wasn't wrong when he said we have to chase the same players that other top SEC programs chase. Sure, the NCAA troubles make that harder, but it's no less true. I just hope this offer isn't a sign of things to come. Always chasing project players doesn't work out. We can afford 1-2 a class, maybe, not even sure that's true given our current circumstances, but we cannot live off of projects.

Disagree with me opinion if you want, but I feel how I feel. I bleed Orange just like everyone else. I will always support the team, no matter what. But I have legitimate concerns about JH's abilities to make this work. I'm hoping and praying he does. I don't want to see us fall even further. But I just can't blindly buy in like some have. We've blindly bought into coach after coach. I just can't do that anymore. I want to be wrong, but I'm not sure I am.
It seems like your are trying to take a position of having to choose between this guy is the guy or this guy is not the guy. If someone is the former they are blindly buying in. I don't see it that way. We're not going to know if he is the guy until he is. Right now we are just looking at possibilities of what he might can do based on things he has done. The fact that he has done it in the SEC and at Oklahoma on offense leads me to believe he should be able to do that at Tennessee also. He has been a head coach and has a good working relationship with our AD which means he won't be learning that on the job. What we don't know is the defensive side. He has said that he will give the DC the reins there so it depends on who is hired which has everyone on pins and needles while talking about the offense. But he actually wants to be the coach at Tennessee because of the things we love about Tennessee not just because it is a stepping stone or way to make money. I had concerns about the last 4 hires. There's nothing wrong with that. Nothing wrong with taking about them either. Nothing wrong with talking about what could a coach could do either. We won't know until we know.
Everything @AtlantaVol shared was true. We had a big hire on the line and it was Franklin for sure. But didn’t happen. Some deals don’t get done. No investigation then we spend the money for the right guy. Gives me hope we will spend for a good staff and have a guy who wants to be here. Time to support and hope this guy is it.

I don't know if the big time hire that he referenced was Franklin or not but, of the names that were mentioned...I'll just say that my "Swinging for the Fences" statement is 110% true. We did our due diligence in this search and had contingencies in place well before the outcome was apparent. It was encouraging to hear, even in the face of...a lot of uncertainty and doom.

I had a view from the nose-bleeds but this was the first time I ever attended the game, so to speak. I'm optimistic about the future, if things continue with the same people behind the scene.

over the moon

And this, what, makes him dishonest?
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Everything @AtlantaVol shared was true. We had a big hire on the line and it was Franklin for sure. But didn’t happen. Some deals don’t get done. No investigation then we spend the money for the right guy. Gives me hope we will spend for a good staff and have a guy who wants to be here. Time to support and hope this guy is it.
I think you tagged the wrong guy
I believe all the rah rah rah stuff on our new coach is mostly likely the typical hype we tend to generate because, well, we are Tennessee, and we want to believe. I’m not saying this can’t work out; I’m saying I highly doubt it right now. I know most people are focused on the defensive side as a concern with this staff but I’m not convinced that the offense is as cut out to be what some are claiming. For example, the guy was replaced at OU by Riley and the OU offense went to another level in the first year under Riley.

After OU the guy had a 6-win season at Utah State as the OC before moving to Mizzou. His first year at Mizzou, Drew Lock was a sophomore. Lock’s freshman year had been abysmal for the Tiger offense. In 2016 against 8 SEC opponents with our guy running the offense and Drew a year older, the offense averaged 22.6 points per game, good for 11th in the conference. In Lock’s junior year, the offense took the next step, rising to 34.6 ppg against 8 SEC foes. Their best offensive outputs in conference that year took place against Butch Jones’ last team here (4-8) (50 points), a dejected Florida team who coach was claiming to be a victim of death threats (4-7) (45 points), an Arkansas team (4-8) (48 points), and a Vanderbilt team (5-7) (45 points). Missouri finished that 2017 season 7-6.

Figures don’t lie but liars figure. There are all kinds of caveats that affect a team’s performance. At UCF this past year for example one of the hits the team reportedly took was a number of players opting out of participation for the season. Some years you have a better offensive line than others. Sometimes a team gets unlucky on the injury or disciplinary front. It’s hard to look at the headline numbers and jump to conclusions that have a high probability of standing up over time. Hell, we should have had one of the absolute best defenses in the nation over at least the past couple of years but that never materialized. I think most of us at one time believed it would. Alas.

When Chaney was hired I indicated I wasn’t thrilled with the hire. My buddy Charger got offended by my lack of support. I like Charger so I tried to be very careful how I might approach saying anything about Chaney from then on out. I don’t want to offend anyone else here but I’m hearing a lot of what I think is some trying to sell the new hire. We’re trying to convince ourselves of something I strongly suspect that few believe. I don’t have elevated expectations right now and don’t expect I will this time. I’m willing to give it a shot because that’s our only option.

In the past when Nick has done his pregame/game threads for the RF, anytime he predicts that we are going to lose a game, I’ve just shook my head in disbelief. Where does he get off doing that? I love it on the isolated times we prove him wrong. Even though I have a hard time with his “defeatist” view now and again, I most often still try to give him a like, because he’s put some work into it and in all honesty, I actually think he’s still mostly an all-around pretty good guy. jmo.

I guess I’m trying to say I’m probably not going to be cheering as loudly this time around but I’m really hoping I don’t offend you guys too much with some of my contrarian views.

Don’t feel bad for having doubts because it doesn’t make you a bad fan. There are things to like about the hire such as the new offensive style. Then there are things that create doubt like why the hire looks like cronyism or could be considered a panic move.

At least we’re getting someone with HC experience and a great record. Possibly a guy who does more with less. We’ll see.
I think recruiting to UT is so overblown. I see folks here and on VQ worried about this staff being able to recruit. When hasn’t UT recruited well? I’ve been following recruiting very closely since 2009. We’ve had some bad coaches lately and how many times have we not finished in the top 25? 15? 10? 5?

Butch Jones had TWO top 5 classes. But he couldn’t develop and coach. If not for Dobbs he would have had zero success at UT.

Recruiting has been fine. You know what hasn’t been good? Developers of talent, coaches that know how to scheme for their roster and their opponents.

Our new coach has a pretty good track record of developing QB’s, scoring a ton of points and winning games. I can promise you if he does that at UT recruiting will be as good as we’ve seen in awhile.
I’ll tell you one thing I know about life, @Ron Swanson

If you are scoring 40 ppg at Tennessee, people will come to play. And if they don’t, you are still scoring 40 ppg
How concerned with you with 3-3-5 vs run heavy teams?
Wvu ran 335 for years, and with the right personnel did well v run, but I have seen them get gashed badly by good running teams. I can see UG, Bama, KY, and even SC racking up a lot of yards on a D like that?!
I’m not. Most teams run out of 2x2 or 3x1 sets anyway now. Miss state in their first year of a 3-3-5 finished 4th in the sec in rush yards per game and yards per carry.
I’ll tell you one thing I know about life, @Ron Swanson

If you are scoring 40 ppg at Tennessee, people will come to play. And if they don’t, you are still scoring 40 ppg

Great point.

We are scoring 40 either way. The difference in recruiting great and recruiting just okay will be fleshed out in how many we give up. If we’re recruiting great, we’re prob only giving up 30. If we are recruiting just okay, we may be giving up 45.
I look around the SEC at the teams that are successful, and that's not how it's done. I'm not trying to be overly negative. I'm trying to stay realistic. But this kind of offer worries me. Pruitt may have been an ass, but he wasn't wrong when he said we have to chase the same players that other top SEC programs chase. Sure, the NCAA troubles make that harder, but it's no less true. I just hope this offer isn't a sign of things to come. Always chasing project players doesn't work out. We can afford 1-2 a class, maybe, not even sure that's true given our current circumstances, but we cannot live off of projects.

Disagree with me opinion if you want, but I feel how I feel. I bleed Orange just like everyone else. I will always support the team, no matter what. But I have legitimate concerns about JH's abilities to make this work. I'm hoping and praying he does. I don't want to see us fall even further. But I just can't blindly buy in like some have. We've blindly bought into coach after coach. I just can't do that anymore. I want to be wrong, but I'm not sure I am.

we need bodies and a lot of them.
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I look around the SEC at the teams that are successful, and that's not how it's done. I'm not trying to be overly negative. I'm trying to stay realistic. But this kind of offer worries me. Pruitt may have been an ass, but he wasn't wrong when he said we have to chase the same players that other top SEC programs chase. Sure, the NCAA troubles make that harder, but it's no less true. I just hope this offer isn't a sign of things to come. Always chasing project players doesn't work out. We can afford 1-2 a class, maybe, not even sure that's true given our current circumstances, but we cannot live off of projects.

Disagree with me opinion if you want, but I feel how I feel. I bleed Orange just like everyone else. I will always support the team, no matter what. But I have legitimate concerns about JH's abilities to make this work. I'm hoping and praying he does. I don't want to see us fall even further. But I just can't blindly buy in like some have. We've blindly bought into coach after coach. I just can't do that anymore. I want to be wrong, but I'm not sure I am.
We don’t have very many true tackles on the roster. I’m with you on roster construction and not settling for projects, but we’re in a bad spot right now and need to get bodies.
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