Sting is in AEW and IMO and the greatest wrestler of all time is the Undertaker. No question...followed by Flair and the Rock. Sting in AEW is a big mistake—his WWE run was not good but not because of Sting.
Gave you a like for getting this thread back on topic.
Undertaker ... greatest ring entrance of all time ... great wrestler, especially for a man his size. Greatest of all time ... questionable.
Flair, one of, if not the greatest.
The Rock is a terrible in ring, actual wrestling, wrestler.
Aside from the People's Elbow and the Rock Bottom, he's got nothing. Sloppy kicks and missing punches. Just terrible.
One of the greatest on the mic of all time, and strangely, his match at WM against Hogan was hugely entertaining.
He was a mega draw as well.
I guess I have a different definition of what makes a great wrestler than many others. But hey, it's all opinion, right?
Sting ... good for AEW, good for him ... they'll use him in those weird (I call them movie matches) cinema matches where they can do multiple takes and such, to protect him physically. That'll help AEW draw, and he's getting paid, while working with a slew of raw, young talent.