When corporations and entities like the NCAA start threatening states who elect the people who make the laws, a boiling point is gonna be reached and lord help us. I’m not a super religious person but we need to revert back to the principles that this country was founded on. God save us
Good! That’s where many go wrong. Millions of people are heading straight to hell because of the belief that baptism and sitting in a pew on Sunday saved them. Instead of adhering to religion, surrender to and embrace a relationship with Jesus Christ. If baptism saved, taking a bath would suffice. To clarify, baptism is: obedience, an outward portrayal of an internal change (a public proclamation), and a picture of the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus (e.g. dying to self, springing forth as a new creation in Jesus). Baptism is not: a component to salvation. Anyone who says it is needs to explain, coherently, Ephesians 2:8-9.
We are saved by grace through faith—and nothing else. Isn’t it great we don’t have to work our way into heaven? As Paul stated, and I’m paraphrasing, if we are not saved by the blood of Jesus alone, then He died in vain. A gospel that preaches
“Faith + <fill in the blank> = salvation” is patently false.
I realize that I took this to a place that will make dogmatic adherents uncomfortable, and also beyond the scope of your post and this thread/forum, but you left an opening for the taking. It is not my intention to anger anyone or to tell them they are going to hell, that’s not what I am saying. I hope, if anything, it causes others to evaluate their beliefs and seek truth from scripture. We are all on a journey, with different obstacles and outcomes, but we should ultimately arrive at the same truth of King Jesus.