He is. He's not showing much emotion either way. Which I think is good for him. He and Molinari are the only two that are bogey free today. I think if he just keeps on with the pars that might be enough. Winds are really starting to blow. He's in a little trouble now.
this was back when Fred Warren was on a roll in the UK. ETSU had just built a brand new practice Golf Facility backing up to Buffalo Mtn. He recruited some famous golf player, that's all I know. I graduated and left in '03. Then came back in '05. I actually thought Rory attended ETSU, apparently not.
For some reason or another we toured the facility. To me, as a fisherman, it looked like some Caddyshack ****. But coach Warren wouldnt shut up about it. I never understood why ETSU cared more about Golf, Tennis, and Bball than other sports. (i get the women's soccer thing, thanks Rab).