Fant fumbled one. But they weren’t stopping us. We were stopping ourselves. Honestly, the game should have been a 14+ point win. We let them stay with us and make the score look better than what it was.
yeah, we score on that one for sure. we never punted. that fumble, and the 4th down fumble, and then we turned it over on downs late, and that was the only 3 possessions i think we didn't score on...?
all in all good day.
don't turn the ball over and we easily cover, and UF isn't even sniffing the thought of a comeback.
hell even with the turnovers...think about what all they had to do to stay in the game, at all.....had to go 5/6 on 4th down....had to score 3 times, kick two onsides kicks, all in less than 4 minutes.
as puckered up as that last minute or so was of that game, we made it extremely difficult for them to win the game. and the more we keep doing that, the better. not everyone is going to go 85% on 4th down. not everyone is going to get that on sides kick.
long story short.....we put teams in positions they don't want to be in, and force them do things contrary to their norm. now, at some point, it'd be nice to get the defense to the point where we get those 3rd and long stops or 4th down stops more often or force more turnovers when teams are having to throw the ball to play catch up.
but for now, we're at least getting teams in to those situations and making them react. and i'll take that in year 2. all day.