Recruiting Forum Football Talk V

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One is a GESTURE that indicates “**** you!”, the other is it written out clearly in English. One was the harbinger of doom to sports, the other isn’t even mentioned in a Heisman campaign. You’re saying it can’t be done, yet I did it waking up from a nap. 😉
You did it so much better than me!
Wow, didn't know SLewis left KentState as HC to become OC at ColoradoPrime..

Interesting move for SLewis as his offense is fast paced and he was being considered for HC at larger schools.
He was a finalist for the Cincinnati job also. Guess he sees this as a quicker path. Deion turned manufactured high school coaching stints and three seasons at Jackson State into a P5 job…so marketing. Doesn’t hurt that a former NFL HC signed on as DC.
Well, it took 3 years but the Covid finally caught up to me. Congestion, fever, fatigue. Manageable at this point, but definitely not fun.
Y’all stay safe; and wash your hands!
Right there with you. My wife came down with covid on Sunday after being exposed at work. The longer you're married, the better you get at keeping your I should have been alright, but it hit me Wednesday. She must have snuck out of the bedroom one night to come cough on me while I was sleeping on the couch. Same symptoms as what you're describing. My temp actually hit 104 for the first time in my entire life today. Good times. The crazy thing is that my son caught it at school in early September and was hardly sick and we didn't get it from him. Hoping that immunity is helping him a lot right far so good.
Now the conversation's about to get interesting and will probably be deleted or moved... Note, his word was "share", as opposed to "care", I think. But the distinction is basically without meaning.

It's always fun when someone decides to lecture you from their relativity.

You are always at the front of the class come lecture time friend.

I did say share because integrity is a subjective term.

A player may write a potty word on his fingernails but go on to volunteer to feed the homeless the next day. Not knowing the whole story who's to say if has "intergrity" or not?
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He coached for the Rams the 3 years prior to his first UK stint. My guess is he was worried about his job, or he thought being the OC at UK again could get him a HC job in college.
Defending Super Bowl champs having a crap season and him being the key addition? He’d be nuts to not plan options.
Umm, did y’all hear the comment at the end that he is looking at options with Spyre for next year? Sounds like he may be leaning to come back.
I’d be very surprised if he came back.
No where to go but down . Don’t know that he’d even get an opportunity to match this year’s production. QB play most likely not what HH was this year.
He'll inherit the job at Colorado in a year or 2 when Prime bails for a bigger offer.

I think you're right and that just makes it a smart move to hitch your wagon to Deion. Idk if he can coach X's and O's but he's certainly going to recruit some talent.
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