Recruiting Forum Football Talk VI

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if i let myself dream a little.......

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292.16/92.19 avg, 24 commits.
would be good for 4th last year
5th in 2022
5th in 2021
6th in 2020
3rd in 2019
4th in 2018
7th in 2017
4th in 2016
3rd in 2015 (we finished 4th, with a below 90 avg)
4th in 2014

this could be the best class we've had in 20 years. Do something silly like add sammy brown and jordan ross and we're over 300/94....

it's the last day of May, so it's still only May.

but whatever. that would be fantastic...

this is where we're headed. this is how you compete, regularly, with UGA, Bama, OSU etc.

Don't forget Jordan Ross. We lead, it seems, from all that's been said.
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edit deleting because sad story

too positive of a day on rocky top for some bad vids/sad vibes
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wtf is the point of this game?

Well two teams put 11 players on the field each. One team has four tries to move the oblong shaped ball ten yards down the field. If within those four tries they are successful in moving the ball 10 or more yards they get a new set of four opportunities. This continues until the team with the ball scores, they turn the ball over through fumbling or throwing the ball to the opposing team, they unsuccessfully move the ball the requisite 10 yards within four tries, or the team with the ball may kick or punt the ball down the field attempting to force the other team to have a further distance to travel in order for them to score. The process is then repeated with the opposite team now having their four opportunities to move the ball ten yards or more down the field towards their goal in their attempt to score points.

That is the basic jist of things.
Well two teams put 11 players on the field each. One team has four tries to move the oblong shaped ball ten yards down the field. If within those four tries they are successful in moving the ball 10 or more yards they get a new set of four opportunities. This continues until the team with the ball scores, they turn the ball over through fumbling or throwing the ball to the opposing team, they unsuccessfully move the ball the requisite 10 yards within four tries, or the team with the ball may kick or punt the ball down the field attempting to force the other team to have a further distance to travel in order for them to score. The process is then repeated with the opposite team now having their four opportunities to move the ball ten yards or more down the field towards their goal in their attempt to score points.

That is the basic jist of things.
gracias amigo.
Man, you buy a ticket, you don't waste it.

And I bet that was some poor dude on vacation with his wife and kids for a week straight, and that missed ferry was the only thing between him and the end of that vacation.
It reminded me of the scene in "Speed" when they had to jump that gap in the unfinished interstate bridge. I love that movie, but the physical impossibility of what happens in several of the scenes make me a little embarrassed that I like it.
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