Long story short..In mid July 1998, after several years of drug addiction had destroyed literally everything, I was sitting there on the front steps thinking seriously of blowing my brains out when a miracle happened. It was one of the most surreal experiences I have ever had, and I would be a complete utter fool and liar to deny that God exists after it happened (I've had several experiences like that in my life, but this is the one that pertains to this particular event)
A complete stranger walks up to me while I was sitting there on my front steps smoking a joint and hopelessly thinking of ending myself, and bummed a cigarette, then he oddly looked at me in the eyes for long moment and tells me that he sees a darkness around me and that he felt compelled to tell me his life story, so he asks if it is alright and I just kind of looked at him like he was crazy and said "go ahead I ain't got no where to be"...
So he tells me how as a young man he had been a preacher with a wife and a young daughter, and on the way to a revival meeting a drunk driver had hit them, killing his wife and daughter...after that he said he blamed God and lost his mind and started drinking heavily.
There was a lot more after that part, but the point is that when he got finished he said "Son...call your Momma to come get you, and go home and make it stick"
I just sat there bawling the whole time he was talking and when he said that I said "I think I will"...I then said something to him about my brother getting married in a few weeks in St Pete and I was supposed to be there for the wedding, and he said that was weird because his great niece was getting married in St Pete in a few weeks...turns out his niece was the one marrying my brother..like I said this was one of the most surreal experiences I've ever had.
After that I walked up to the convenience store a mile away and called Mom collect on the pay phone out in the lot...she asked me exactly where I was at and said she had to go get my baby sister from West HS and would be there asap. From the time I called her she made it from Knoxville to Murray County Georgia in just a little over two hours.
I went home, went cold turkey and God turned my life around...I have many flaws, but I am not the person I used to be.
Especially today it rings loud and clear.."For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son"
Merry Christmas everybody.