Recruiting Forum Football Talk VI

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Nope.... It apparently was first noticed at LSU, but of course, he transferred. Now the same things are being said at UGA. They gave him personal time last season to get things sorted, but like I said, I don't know if anyone tried to help him get help. Now, they say he's having the same issues. I made the straitjacket joke earlier, but in all seriousness, it's really sad. It seems like it's going untreated.
It sounds like Bipolar Disorder to me from all I’ve heard but I’m not a Dr
Keep an eye out on College of Charleston basketball Coach Pat Kelsey. I think he’s a good one. Great recruiter and coach. Also a great win for East Tennessee guy Matt McMahon Vs Top 10 Arkansas team. He’s doing a good job there with the will wade mess affecting everything. Similar to what Heupel inherited here in football frankly with the roster turnover and sanctions.
Dec. 29, 1986


MEMPHIS — Jeff Francis threw three touchdown passes and the Vol defense shut down Minnesota when it had to, leading Tennessee to a 21-14 victory over Minnesota in the 28th Liberty Bowl.
The Vols jumped to a 14-3 halftime lead as Francis threw touchdown passes to wide receiver Joey Clinkscales and fullback William Howard. Minnesota got a late field goal from Chip Lohmiller and trailed 14-3 at the half.
The Gophers dominated the third period, getting a touchdown from quarterback Rickey Foggie on a fourth- down option play. Freshman Darrell Thompson’s two- point conversion run put Minnesota back in the game. Another field goal from Lohmiller in the fourth quarter knotted the count.
The Vols roared back for the clinching score, as Francis hit Nate Middlebrooks and Anthony Miller to move deep into Minnesota territory. On third-and-3, he hit Clinkscales for the game-winner in the left corner of the end zone. The Vol defense shut down Foggie and Minnesota the rest of the way and rang up UT’s third Liberty Bowl victory in as many tries.

TENN — Clinkscales 18 pass from Francis (Reveiz kick)
TENN — Howard 23 pass from Francis (Reveiz kick)
MINN — Lohmiller 27 FG
MINN — Foggie 11 run (Thompson run)
MINN — Lohmiller 25 FG
TENN — Clinkscales 15 pass from Francis (Reveiz kick)

Any of you ever done a trip to Scotland? If so, any tour company recommendations, or other trip advice? I'm trying to surprise my wife for our 20th anniversary. I'm open to traveling at different times in 2023. TIA
Took a trip to Edinburgh a few years ago. We just planned the trip ourselves and stayed in an airB&B. Super easy to get around with public transport. We just booked tours we found through TripAdvisor if needed but mostly just went self guided. Great place but the food wasn’t very impressive. Honestly the highlands look just like you were dropped in Johnson county except people are driving on the wrong side of the road and have an accent.
Took a trip to Edinburgh a few years ago. We just planned the trip ourselves and stayed in an airB&B. Super easy to get around with public transport. We just booked tours we found through TripAdvisor if needed but mostly just went self guided. Great place but the food wasn’t very impressive. Honestly the highlands look just like you were dropped in Johnson county except people are driving on the wrong side of the road and have an accent.
You don’t like Haggis?
Good to see Sean Miller back at it doing well and cleared of any wrongdoing. One heck of a basketball coach. Already has Xavier back ranked and 11-3 in his first season back with a good class on the way for 23’. That #2 UConn #22 Xavier game will be good on Saturday
That man sweats like he stole something
So you posted a quote about what I said Dobbs would do in the future to disprove my saying I've been predicting his success?

Obviously I think he has superstar talent RIGHT NOW. However, that's just my opinion. Thus it makes no sense for me to battle those who disagree with me on that point without any evidence to the contrary. That's why I say let's use future success to determine who was right about the player's talent level. If Dobbs never accomplishes anything then I would obviously be wrong. However, if he does become a superstar QB then I would have been right all along. My original point was up to this point we haven't seen conclusive evidence either way. Now you and others have argued that the fact nobody wants to give him a chance is proof he isn't as good as I said he would be. I simply disagree with that notion. Now I acknowledge I can't keep knocking this ball down the road. At some point if no one even gives him the opportunity to fail as a starting QB in the NFL then even I will concede I was wrong about him. I'm just of the opinion we haven't reached that point quite yet.

With regard to Dobbs chances here at Tennessee. If he's given a chance I think he'll do well. He looked great this year in the preseason with Cleveland. If that guy shows up in the regular season then the Titans might get into the playoffs. And once you're in the tournament, anything can happen.
Will you two kindly stfu
Good to see Sean Miller back at it doing well and cleared of any wrongdoing. One heck of a basketball coach. Already has Xavier back ranked and 11-3 in his first season back with a good class on the way for 23’. That #2 UConn #22 Xavier game will be good on Saturday
It’s amazing how all these assistant coaches got busted while the head coaches didn’t get punished much at all…. That’s how you cheat!!!
So you posted a quote about what I said Dobbs would do in the future to disprove my saying I've been predicting his success?

Obviously I think he has superstar talent RIGHT NOW. However, that's just my opinion. Thus it makes no sense for me to battle those who disagree with me on that point without any evidence to the contrary. That's why I say let's use future success to determine who was right about the player's talent level. If Dobbs never accomplishes anything then I would obviously be wrong. However, if he does become a superstar QB then I would have been right all along. My original point was up to this point we haven't seen conclusive evidence either way. Now you and others have argued that the fact nobody wants to give him a chance is proof he isn't as good as I said he would be. I simply disagree with that notion. Now I acknowledge I can't keep knocking this ball down the road. At some point if no one even gives him the opportunity to fail as a starting QB in the NFL then even I will concede I was wrong about him. I'm just of the opinion we haven't reached that point quite yet.

With regard to Dobbs chances here at Tennessee. If he's given a chance I think he'll do well. He looked great this year in the preseason with Cleveland. If that guy shows up in the regular season then the Titans might get into the playoffs. And once you're in the tournament, anything can happen.

First off your opening query is just nonsense. We need to both pretend it was never typed.

There's actually some halfway reasonable thoughts in the rest of it. Some things to consider though.

I had taken you to task over this:

"My argument has never been that Dobbs is definitely great"

Actually it could be posited you've argued he's the greatEST. You've just been having to qualify that stance going all the way back to before the draft. I want you to have a quiet moment of reflection on the sheer mass of predictions you've made regarding Josh since then and how they've turned out. Now consider why wouldn't it be fair, given the nearly complete lack of correlation between your predictions and reality, that many question the rest? I don't think people (certainly not everyone, myself included) actually believe Dobbs not getting playing time "proves" what he could/couldn't do given the opportunity but c'mon man. Surely you see the problem of us being 5 years into Josh's career and him just being picked up off a practice squad squaring with your lofty proclamations. Otherwise your "Now I acknowledge I can't keep knocking this ball down the road" take makes sense.

I find it almost impossible to believe Josh isn't an upgrade from Willis.
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