Recruiting Forum Football Talk VI

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Been at the ER with my husband all day. He had another episode last night where he can’t remember the day or events. Last night he couldn’t remember if he turned on the shower or got in, nothing about Christmas or that our son was in rehab. Then he had a seizure on me this morning. Lots of tests but we’re not able to do an MRI to see if there were mini strokes. Everything was fine except his sugar dropped really low while there. Doctor’s appointment next week. Y’all be praying please.
So sorry to hear this. Prayers for healing and wisdom.
Wait, what?

This is awful to hear. I know y'all have been through the gauntlet. Stay strong SaS. Men won't often say it out loud, but he needs you right now. Y'all got this 🙏
Thanks, everyone!

2022 has been a year! Hoping 2023 is better…much!

He has me. 37 years married last Monday plus 4 dating.
Been at the ER with my husband all day. He had another episode last night where he can’t remember the day or events. Last night he couldn’t remember if he turned on the shower or got in, nothing about Christmas or that our son was in rehab. Then he had a seizure on me this morning. Lots of tests but we’re not able to do an MRI to see if there were mini strokes. Everything was fine except his sugar dropped really low while there. Doctor’s appointment next week. Y’all be praying please.

Oh man! Definitely praying for healing and for God to provide knowledgeable doctors who can figure this out and provide treatment.
Has he had his liver checked? A bad liver can cause elevated ammonia in the bloodstream which will mess up your brain. I woke up in the hospital once missing a day of my life with no idea how I got there.
Not sure if if he has, but will sure mention that when we go to the doctor next week. Thanks!!!
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