Recruiting Forum Football Talk VI

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“I’m an alpha male, believe me” kinda guy
Maybe he is just a guy that had been sitting around the day before watching sports…. His wife wouldn’t leave him alone wanting him to do this and that…. He couldn’t taken it out on her so he snapped on the person he could take it out on…. I understand if that’s the case!!! LOL
Google translate translates Vols to Volúmenes 🤷‍♂️
You gotta type in Volunteers to get the correct translation. Los Voluntarios for the men and Las Voluntarias for the women. When speaking of everyone or a mixed group it's Los Voluntarios. Los/Las just meaning the.

EDIT: It would work to go with Los Vols or just Vols. It depends on how formal you are trying to be especially since English has started dropping things like 'the' a lot more. Grammar is evolving/changing before our eyes in terms of spoken language. The rules will eventually catch up to that but to be honest the deeper you study languages (especially our own language) the more you realize that there really are no rules. There are suggestions we all go by but a lot of Appalachian speech we were told was wrong is actually fine - it's just archaic with much of it being closer to middle English and colonial English than modern English.
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I didn't mean we literally plan to "LET" them do it...I thought my point was obvious. We would rather give up easier yards in the middle than long cheap TDs, and as the field compresses the holes get way smaller.

Aside from Scar it really seems like we didn’t give up gaudy 70-yard touchdowns on the reg like years past.
Have a feeling that Georgia is going to run an absolute train on ohio state

What I hate about it is that this UGA team isn't that good but no one is remotely as good they are. Alabama had the best shot of knocking them off and they were a very weird team this year. The past two playoffs have been some of the weakest sauce I can remember in terms of who was in and how each team was but at least last season UGA had to go through BAMA.
No way I would believe we won looking at these stats.
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That horrid 3rd down efficiency would have killed us if we had not hit the big plays...normally we do both and slaughter teams.

I hope that was an anomaly and not indicative that we have something to worry about next year. Clemson does have a very talented pretty good defense, so you have to give them credit too.
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