I wish I had better news, but I’m told UMMC has transitioned into comfort care measures for Coach Mike Leach. It’s essentially hospice care at this point.
I’m told he’s been largely if not totally nonresponsive since the cardiac event yesterday morning.
It appears to simply be a matter of time now. It all seems so unfair. Life is fleeting. Tell those you love how much you love them. Forgive, forgive, forgive.
We will not be working to break the final story. We will respect the family’s timing on all of that. Yes, we have a story ready to roll, but we will now await the official and unfortunate word from the University.
I can’t believe we’re even having these discussions. It’s so surreal. He isn’t just our football coach. He’s Mike Leach, a national treasure. I’m honored to say he was our coach for three seasons. It’s also nice to remember that he’s going out a winner.
Please remember his family, our coaches and players in your thoughts and prayers.
I love you all and Hail State!