Tennessee's leadership has killed it's football program. The ramifications will soon be felt by the entire university and the community at large.
Really tough time to be a fan. And it can get worse, which is why we need a massive hire.
We suck. We screw this hire up and we will never get back to the UT of old.
I can't imagine any good coach will want to come here. This is a massive rebuild. Anyone who thinks Dooley is worse than butch needs their head examined. We need 2 Ron Zooks to get to the point where an elite coach should want to come here.
Stadium improvement ain't gonna happen because the stadium won't be filled next yearIt can get worse. I dont think the AD has realized that yet. The ~$350M in stadium improvements make no sense to me. I seriously think there is about to be a collapse in fan interest in Tennessee football. I dont think the fanbase is ready for the 3 year rebuild its going to take to fix the mess we have been watching this season. I think attendance and season ticket sales are about to fall through the floor.
Im just waiting for the hire to be announced so I can check out until September. And then I will be watching games like I have this year - flip to another channel in the 2nd quarter and follow the score on the ticker or my phone. Too painful to watch live.