Reigning and still undefeated champ. People dont want to admit it but hes the Hitman of the Knox sports media. The best there is, the best there was and the best there ever will be.
The Fulmer Curse will not be lifted until, once again, we trot out Fulmer. The universe has spoken. Ignore it-- and to the pit of misery for another decade.
Maybe Brohm made them float it was no deal so he could go back and talk with the team, ect.. and then come out tomorrow that they've finally come to a deal???
There will be hell to pay if we had Brohm and Hyams effed it up when he leaked it at Haslams request. He was told to do that- very uncharacteristic of him. And then going on ESPN to declare Haslam and Peyton made it happen. My goodness. They can all burn together for all I care.