At this point, Tennessee is a drunk guy at the bar during last call with his pants around his ankles, vomit on his shirt, and an uncomfortably visible erection screaming at every female to come home with him.
I want to know whether Hyams jumped the gun or if he ruined the deal and truly ticked Brohm off? Because for Currie to already be at NC State to talk to Dorean (puke), that seems odd timing...
I haven't gone to a game since 2012. Looks like I wont be going for at least 5 more years. I refuse to go to Knoxville to see a bulls**t coach that we deserve better than coach in Neyland.
No doubt. There are people on this board that could do a better job than this. I always thought bringing in "Tennessee people" was a bit overrated, but I am not so sure now.