If Mosley is not going to turn his head and track the ball by now, he never will... he is simply not good. Is Martin playing at all? If he is not playing just because he is in the "dog house", butch needs to get over it and let him play. IMO
If Mosley is not going to turn his head and track the ball by now, he never will... he is simply not good. Is Martin playing at all? If he is not playing just because he is in the "dog house", butch needs to get over it and let him play. IMO
It would be such a Tennessee thing to happen with all the coaching changes we want for Gillespie to get hired away as an OC and the rest of the staff stays intact
The SEC refs in Birmingham are clearly biased against us. I don't think that can be doubted anymore. He clearly launched his head into Byrd. Even Rogers agrees it was targeting. Unbelievable
The SEC refs in Birmingham are clearly biased against us. I don't think that can be doubted anymore. He clearly launched his head into Byrd. Even Rogers agrees it was targeting. Unbelievable
And people tried to act like Del Rio was a factor missing our game. Dude is GARBAGE like I said. Matter of fact he's HOT GARBAGE. 😂😂😂😂😂😂