Well ladies and gentleman this evening I learned that I can indeed run a 4.44 forty and that I could probably take Usain Bolt on the right day in the 50m (I don't think I have the endurance to keep it up for 100 against Bolt. You see I was minding my own business sitting in my favorite chair with my barefeet and legs stretched out on my ottomon, surfing VN when suddenly I felt something crawling on my left leg. Out of the corner of my eye there was a snake slithering up my defenseless bare leg. I jumped out of my chair, hurdled everything in my path and was out the frontdoor in no time flat. The athleticism on display was amazing as was the sheer amount of terror that turned me from a chillaxed websurfer into screaming and extremely agile and fast madman.
Unfortunately, I ran away so quickly that I didn't make a good ID on the snake. All I know is that it looked pretty thin like the size of small finger, dark in color but I couldn't make out much (hard to when you're running away and utterly unpurturbed my foolishness. By the time I found a suitable pair of gloves and came back it had disappeared. So there's still a snake in my house and I'm jumping at shadows (in the most brave way possible, of course).
Short of tearing the entire house apart I have no idea how the hell I can find it and even then I'm not sure I would be able to.
Nick, do you take house calls?