I get upset thinking about how we didn't use our 6'4 WRs the way Clemson and others used there's.
Back shoulders, jump balls man. Give those guys a chance.
Makes my skin crawl watching Jauan run hitches and stops so frequently.
CBs should be scared to line up 1v1 vs him
Can someone link Rock's presser in this thread
Please and Thank you :hi:
Wonder what Scott will be like? All we need are small tweaks, more aggression, less predictability and we are fine
I think the OC job is so much more than that. Same as the jump from coordinator to HC, totally different job that takes a good while to get used to and get good at. He's never made all the mistakes that it takes to learn enough to be good, so we'll have to suffer through his mistakes that any experienced coordinator has already made and learned from.
That's why I think orgeron will be good, he's had a chance to make all the mistakes that his previous programs had to endure and suffer from.
I'd have rather kept Debord than promote Scott, and I was no debord fan at all.
At least with ascot we have the hope that he won't be too conservative or predictable. He'll be running the same offense with Butch's oversight, just hoping for a few changes. Who knows, could be Tee Martin!