Recruiting Forum Off-Topic Thread II

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Slow your roll, while I dig the Breaking Bad universe, Legion and Fargo are both better IMO.

Haven't seen legion yet. Only half way through 2nd season of Fargo.

Are you up to date on BCS? The story is interesting and all, but the show itself is like cinematography porn. That alone gives it some merit, but what Vince Giligan is doing/has done with these two shows is unparalleled by pretty much any TV show that hasn't been on a premium channel like HBO at this point.
Dang it. I figured this plan would work better than my convenience store vandalism plan. I need to go back to evil plans school and take a refresher course. :banghead2:

Ehhh.... I wouldn't go to Memphis if I were you...
Haven't seen legion yet. Only half way through 2nd season of Fargo.

Are you up to date on BCS? The story is interesting and all, but the show itself is like cinematography porn. That alone gives it some merit, but what Vince Giligan is doing/has done with these two shows is unparalleled by pretty much any TV show that hasn't been on a premium channel like HBO at this point.

I just haven't watched the last episode of BCS. I greatly admire Gilligan and yes his shots are beautiful but give me Hawley any day. What he has done with 3 amazing seasons of Fargo, all different stories with their connections is unheard of and don't even get me started on Legion, perhaps the best season of a show I have ever seen.
I just haven't watched the last episode of BCS. I greatly admire Gilligan and yes his shots are beautiful but give me Hawley any day. What he has done with 3 amazing seasons of Fargo, all different stories with their connections is unheard of and don't even get me started on Legion, perhaps the best season of a show I have ever seen.

Can't comment on legion, but I actually think what Fargo is doing with unconnected (or barely connected) seasons is actually much easier than the BB/BCS universe and the interconnectedness of it all
Can't comment on legion, but I actually think what Fargo is doing with unconnected (or barely connected) seasons is actually much easier than the BB/BCS universe and the interconnectedness of it all

I think squeezing three stories out of one location and genre is harder than one big one. Regardless both are killing it.
I think squeezing three stories out of one location and genre is harder than one big one. Regardless both are killing it.

I agree about both killing it. I think Fargo is up there with any TV show including the BB the universe, but I think making one all inclusive, interconnected, story over the course of 8+ seasons in the same location is more difficult than making 3 separate stories that happen to take place in the same place at different points in time.

They've basically taken a character who was comic relief and had very little depth outside that of a comically crooked lawyer and fleshed him out into a tragically conflicted character. And Chuck is one of the best/most interesting antagonists in recent memory because he's basically right in all of his convictions about his brother (knowing what we know from B.B.), but is himself deeply flawed by his own hubris.

I think I really need to get into legion though. Definitely next on my to watch list.
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