Uhh guys the hemp Washington grew (used as an example in the commercial) was considered a cash crop used to make rope, sail-cloth, and other fabrics etc. and it contained .3% THC which is way less than what people smoke today.... not making an argument for either side but that commercial is kind've misleading when it starts trying to use the founding fathers to push its agenda.Where's that airing?
Uhh guys the hemp Washington grew (used as an example in the commercial) was considered a cash crop used to make rope, sail-cloth, and other fabrics etc. and it contained .3% THC which is way less than what people smoke today.... not making an argument for either side but that commercial is kind've misleading when it starts trying to use the founding fathers to push its agenda.
Maybe not but it sure didn't promote the non-hallucinogenic uses of it either in fact it does say "That's right, the first President grew his own"...... sounds to me like the implication that they're trying to lead the target audience to believe is that ole Washington was lighting up some "fat J's" which isn't out of the question but it is probably unlikely, but again I don't have a problem with medical legalization, I'm not as supportive of recreational legalization although I can see the argument in favor of it given alcohol being legal, ultimately I'm just really tired of constant misinformation to try to manipulate people in any capacityI didn't see him in the scene with a fat J in his mouth...
Maybe not but it sure didn't promote the non-hallucinogenic uses of it either in fact it does say "That's right, the first President grew his own"...... sounds to me like the implication that they're trying to lead the target audience to believe is that ole Washington was lighting up some "fat J's" which isn't out of the question but it is probably unlikely, but again I don't have a problem with medical legalization, I'm not as supportive of recreational legalization although I can see the argument in favor of it given alcohol being legal, ultimately I'm just really tired of constant misinformation to try to manipulate people in any capacity
I agree.If it wasn't so one sided few people would care. But if one of them got up there and said we need to support the president, he would be booed off of the stage and then black balled by Hollywood and would never work again. Again, it's a bunch of rich people who think they're smarter than everyone else parading around in their wealth telling everyone else how to think and vote. Don't care what they think.
This is true. I don't use anymore, and I try to help steer people away from use of any drugs....but...It is not right to legislate my morality on to other people. If somebody wants to get drunk wasted on any substance, it is their business. I hate big brother controlling every aspect of peoples lives.Ok Duke. If you are tired of misinformation you are in the wrong decade. There has been misinformation against hemp and marijuana since, well I think the commercial spells it out pretty well.
That's fair and I include myself in the misinformed as well, my parents scared me to death of it as a kid- called it a gateway drug and honestly I have never used it, never really wanted to and not because of my parents, which is why I said I wasn't against legalization at least not completely because I don't know what it's like and can't completely stand in the way of something I know nothing about, that along with the hypocrisy by the government of having alcohol be legal tips me towards legalization here in TN and at the very least legalizing it for Medical usage such as to help cancer patients etc.Ok Duke. If you are tired of misinformation you are in the wrong decade. There has been misinformation against hemp and marijuana since, well I think the commercial spells it out pretty well.
As long as someone isn’t hurting or infringing on someone else’s rights who cares what they do. The obsession some have with controlling every aspect of someone else’s life is really weirdThis is true. I don't use anymore, and I try to help steer people away from use of any drugs....but...It is not right to legislate my morality on to other people. If somebody wants to get drunk wasted on any substance, it is their business. I hate big brother controlling every aspect of peoples lives.
God gave us free will, and a choice, and those people try to do everything in their power to take that away. I believe it is counterproductive at best, and completely destructive at worst to do so. When you steal, you should be punished, when you assault, murder or rape...you should be punished. Most of the rest is between you and God imo.
This is true. I don't use anymore, and I try to help steer people away from use of any drugs....but...It is not right to legislate my morality on to other people. If somebody wants to get drunk wasted on any substance, it is their business. I hate big brother controlling every aspect of peoples lives.
God gave us free will, and a choice, and those people try to do everything in their power to take that away. I believe it is counterproductive at best, and completely destructive at worst to do so. When you steal, you should be punished, when you assault, murder or rape...you should be punished. Most of the rest is between you and God imo.
Stats are a tool, but intangibles are not a useless myth.
Fyp. Bro do you even Pantheon?Football Mythology Olympian Tree:
Great Intangibles: Zeus
Game Manager: Posieden
Arm Talent: Apollo
Football IQ: Athena
High Motor: Ares
Pad Level: Hades
Team Chemistry: Hera
Eye Test: Aphrodite
Physical Football: Hermes
Hard Worker: Hephestus
Must-Win Game: Artemis
The 12th Man: Hestia
Football Mythology Olympian Tree:
Great Intangibles: Zeus
Game Manager: Posieden
Arm Talent: Hades
Football IQ: Apollo
High Motor: Ares
Pad Level: Athena
Team Chemistry: Aphrodite
Eye Test: Hera
Physical Football: Hermes
Hard Worker: Hephestus
Must-Win Game: Artemis
The 12th Man: Hestia
Football Mythology Olympian Tree:
Great Intangibles: Zeus
Game Manager: Posieden
Arm Talent: Hades
Football IQ: Apollo
High Motor: Ares
Pad Level: Athena
Team Chemistry: Aphrodite
Eye Test: Hera
Physical Football: Hermes
Hard Worker: Hephestus
Must-Win Game: Artemis
The 12th Man: Hestia
Football Mythology Olympian Tree:
Great Intangibles: Zeus
Game Manager: Posieden
Arm Talent: Hades
Football IQ: Apollo
High Motor: Ares
Pad Level: Athena
Team Chemistry: Aphrodite
Eye Test: Hera
Physical Football: Hermes
Hard Worker: Hephestus
Must-Win Game: Artemis
The 12th Man: Hestia
That part is subjective imo, however Individuals are definitely safer and more wealthy than we’ve ever been, especially in America. With more laws and regulations comes less freedoms. There’s pros and cons, people like to overreact.
With that said, this new (it may not even be new, could just be more exposed because of social media and technology) outrage culture is really ridiculous. The rise of technology and social media is both a blessing and a curse imo
Long, don't read unless bored or interested in the subject.I think it is objectively true, or as us humans may conjure, intersubjectively true. We must have some agreed upon metrics (safety, health, education, food, etc). Those areas are improving for humans.
Worldwide, crime and abject poverty are significantly down, literacy is up, access to clean water is up, healthcare and education are significantly better and more equitably distributed, mass war is down, freedoms are increased, etc.
Then again, the average human polled shows they don't grasp any of this. Many actually believe the world is getting worse. Maybe it is a lack of understanding of history, a sense that perfection is warranted, or maybe the media is to blame.
No doubt "outrage culture" is absurdist theater without sentience. But I don't believe it measures a single drop in comparison to impoverished nations gaining further access to clean water and education. Ask a person there and they'll likely not even know anything of our first world "issue". According to Maslow's Hierarchy, if America's issue is cultural sensitivities, then we are spouting out the damn tip of the pyramid.