President Trump on Friday admitted that his enthusiasm for an antimalarial drug unproven as a coronavirus treatment was based largely on gut instinct, after an open disagreement with the nation’s top infectious disease expert at a White House press briefing.
When reporters asked Tony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, whether the drug hydroxychloroquine was effective at preventing coronavirus, he said simply: “The answer is no.”
But when Trump came back to the microphone, he told reporters that “we ought to give it a try.”
“I think we disagree a little bit,” Trump added. “I feel good about it. That’s all it is, just a feeling, you know, smart guy. I feel good about it.”
Its almost like he has no idea what he's talking about and we should stop listening to him about important issues.
The president is not a doctor, scientist, or oracle. Better to not say anything.In the press conference I saw neither Trump nor Dr. Fauci said either of those things. Trump talked about the successes the French testing seemed ti be having with a combo of the malaria drug and antibiotics and that is what Trump was talking about in the press conference I watched. Dr. Fauci also said in that same presser that combo could work, but he needs to see more testing. Trump also said the combo may work and it may not, but that he feels good about it, and I personally see nothing wrong with a president offering some hope. Even Dr. Fauci noted that was the president's role, while his role was from the clinical side.
Every president we have ever had has discussed the current crisis they were dealing with, regardless of their lack of expertise on the subject. They have advisors.
it would be better if the advisors gave recommendations instead of him. That's just a personal preference. That is why most people in leadership say, I will defer to so and so on that topic. Even though he may have been briefed on it, speaking on it opens one up to criticism.Every president we have ever had has discussed the current crisis they were dealing with, regardless of their lack of expertise on the subject. They have advisors.
it would be better if the advisors gave recommendations instead of him. That's just a personal preference. That is why most people in leadership say, I will defer to so and so on that topic. Even though he may have been briefed on it, speaking on it opens one up to criticism.
Most of Americans want to have hope or a target date for returning to normal. When Trump gave his opinion that he would like to "begin" going back to work by Easter .. this gave most Americans a target for hope. On the other side, the Trump haters were going to criticize anything he said.The American people expect to hear from their president during a crisis. He gets his briefs and he gives his opinion. It would be one thing if he was giving his own thoughts during daily briefings and wasn't allowing Dr. Fauci and the other medical and scientific experts to speak, but he does allow them to speak freely. I have no problem at all with him, or any president, offering some hope based off what he is learning from some of the testing in France and other places. I don't see him as being at loggerheads with the medical experts. If others don't want to hear his opinions that is certainly their right.
Its funny how people still criticize the big govt bailouts in 2008. The American taxpayers made a killing as a result of those bailouts. The govt took shares of many companies (like AIG) when they loaned them money. All companies that took bailout loans paid back the money + interest and the govt sold their shares of those companies at 4 and 5 times the amount they bought at.Bingo. It's an investment that will yield a positive return.
Just like 2008 injection. It was completely needed. All capital markets had seized up and liquidity was nill.
Bingo. Ideology can make some blind to pragmatism unfortunately.Its funny how people still criticize the big govt bailouts in 2008. The American taxpayers made a killing as a result of those bailouts. The govt took shares of many companies (like AIG) when they loaned them money. All companies that took bailout loans paid back the money + interest and the govt sold their shares of those companies at 4 and 5 times the amount they bought at.
Such a weird false stereotype to build against others when the 6 states with the highest food stamp recipients are red - New Mexico, Louisiana, WV, Mississippi, Oklahoma, Alabama.