Recruiting Forum Off Topic Thread III

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Well, that is what happens when the Swamp starts an impeachment process before you even take office. But it at least looks like some of the Swamp may go down for the coup attempt, which should excite anyone unhappy with the corrupt System.
Joining this conversation way late, but here's my one and only (hopefully) spin on it (I really try to avoid politics here).

I voted for Trump. People have asked me why I voted for Trump. My answer was then, what it is now. I voted for him because he was the complete unknown. Great...Horrible...who knows? That's why I voted for him. I absolutely knew what we were getting with Hillary...and I hated it.

Sorry Newt. We've become closer here recently, but you and I both know we don't agree on politics.
Joining this conversation way late, but here's my one and only (hopefully) spin on it (I really try to avoid politics here).

I voted for Trump. People have asked me why I voted for Trump. My answer was then, what it is now. I voted for him because he was the complete unknown. Great...Horrible...who knows? That's why I voted for him. I absolutely knew what we were getting with Hillary...and I hated it.

Sorry Newt. We've become closer here recently, but you and I both know we don't agree on politics.
I understand the reasoning for why people voted Trump, I don't agree with it but I get it.
The other half of what's wrong with America is people that think it is lighthearted to degrade another human being. And an adult that wants to do that to an adolescent is childish. And a fan that wants to do that to a commit is a moran.
Wow. Jokingly calling people dorks is not “degrading another human being”. Give me a break.

Someone was pouring cold water on this hot recruiting run and I was pointing out that it will get even better once some of lesser rated head elsewhere and are replaced by more elite recruits.

Is this guaranteed to happen? No. Are rankings perfect? No. Does turnover in a class happen? Yes. Does ranking tend to more accurate than not? Yes.

Who knew you had to speak with kid gloves on a free message board with discussions about eating turds if certain players commit.
lol. Lot of sanctimony in this here thread. The post was lighthearted. People that want to take lighthearted stuff seriously are half of what's wrong with America in 2020.
What you are calling sanctimony is simply the absolute best fanbase for the absolute best team on the absolute best message board reminding the rest of the world of simple facts.
Wow. Jokingly calling people dorks is not “degrading another human being”. Give me a break.

Someone was pouring cold water on this hot recruiting run and I was pointing out that it will get even better once some of lesser rated head elsewhere and are replaced by more elite recruits.

Is this guaranteed to happen? No. Are rankings perfect? No. Does turnover in a class happen? Yes. Does ranking tend to more accurate than not? Yes.

Who knew you had to speak with kid gloves on a free message board with discussions about eating turds if certain players commit.
Buddy. You've been on since 2012. Nobody here even knows who you are. You have three choices at this point...

1. Back up, put the brakes on a bit...get to know the people here and let them get to know you.

2. Continue on this I'll advised path and be forever chastised, because THAT WILL definitely happen at the rate you are going.

3. Leave the RF.

It's a message board IS NOT an excuse for being an asshat.
Wow. Jokingly calling people dorks is not “degrading another human being”. Give me a break.

Someone was pouring cold water on this hot recruiting run and I was pointing out that it will get even better once some of lesser rated head elsewhere and are replaced by more elite recruits.

Is this guaranteed to happen? No. Are rankings perfect? No. Does turnover in a class happen? Yes. Does ranking tend to more accurate than not? Yes.

Who knew you had to speak with kid gloves on a free message board with discussions about eating turds if certain players commit.

Give it up Daniel lol
Wow. Jokingly calling people dorks is not “degrading another human being”. Give me a break.

Someone was pouring cold water on this hot recruiting run and I was pointing out that it will get even better once some of lesser rated head elsewhere and are replaced by more elite recruits.

Is this guaranteed to happen? No. Are rankings perfect? No. Does turnover in a class happen? Yes. Does ranking tend to more accurate than not? Yes.

Who knew you had to speak with kid gloves on a free message board with discussions about eating turds if certain players commit.

What you are calling sanctimony is simply the absolute best fanbase for the absolute best team on the absolute best message board reminding the rest of the world of simple facts.

Buddy. You've been on since 2012. Nobody here even knows who you are. You have three choices at this point...

1. Back up, put the brakes on a bit...get to know the people here and let them get to know you.

2. Continue on this I'll advised path and be forever chastised, because THAT WILL definitely happen at the rate you are going.

3. Leave the RF.

It's a message board IS NOT an excuse for being an asshat.


Over on another board, it appears OK for some of the same Virtue Signalers to even re-invent reality in an attempt to degrade and heap scorn on existing players perceived to underperform. I also wouldn't call a recuit a dork, but it seems inconsistent to complain about one and not the other. If anything, I'd vote for more allegiance and objectivity toward kids already on the roster and bleeding orange.

Over on another board, it appears OK for some of the same Virtue Signalers to even re-invent reality in an attempt to degrade and heap scorn on existing players perceived to underperform. I also wouldn't call a recuit a dork, but it seems inconsistent to complain about one and not the other. If anything, I'd vote for more allegiance and objectivity toward kids already on the roster and bleeding orange.
I tend to do that also or just put them on ignore.
Wow. Jokingly calling people dorks is not “degrading another human being”. Give me a break.

Someone was pouring cold water on this hot recruiting run and I was pointing out that it will get even better once some of lesser rated head elsewhere and are replaced by more elite recruits.

Is this guaranteed to happen? No. Are rankings perfect? No. Does turnover in a class happen? Yes. Does ranking tend to more accurate than not? Yes.

Who knew you had to speak with kid gloves on a free message board with discussions about eating turds if certain players commit.
Decent Vol fans don’t need a manual.

Nah, "regardless" is perfectly correct there: “Regardless” means “without regard,” or “despite something.” As in, "I'll be pleased, regardless of whether or not we get Tony Grimes."

Most dictionaries list "irregardless" as a non-standard or incorrect word, but recommend "regardless" be used instead. It's the bastard child of "regardless" and "irrespective", and pretty much redundant.
Nah, "regardless" is perfectly correct there: “Regardless” means “without regard,” or “despite something.” As in, "I'll be pleased, regardless of whether or not we get Tony Grimes."

Most dictionaries list "irregardless" as a non-standard or or incorrect word, but recommend "regardless" be used instead. It's the bastard child of "regardless" and "irrespective", and pretty much redundant.
You must be new here 🤦‍♂️

Over on another board, it appears OK for some of the same Virtue Signalers to even re-invent reality in an attempt to degrade and heap scorn on existing players perceived to underperform. I also wouldn't call a recuit a dork, but it seems inconsistent to complain about one and not the other. If anything, I'd vote for more allegiance and objectivity toward kids already on the roster and bleeding orange.
You should never run players down if they're doing their best, working hard and being good citizens. I typically don't unless they really mess up off the field. If they screw up during the game, I still try my very best not to get too critical.
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