Chi-coms, non-Chinese globalists within and around the world, and anybody in league with them. We are at war. They are at work trying to change not only the economics, they are working on gene mutation and other aspects of population control.
Why else would the simple solutions not be endorsed while complex, convoluted solutions are promoted that can only be verified and authorized by "experts"? Why else would acceptance of natural causes of death be no longer acceptable to leaders, experts, and our more panic filled fellow citizens? COVID-19 is just a virus, a disease, like untold numbers of diseases. Why no lock down for pneumonia? It kills more than COVID or flu strains every year? The list goes on and on.
Example: Social distancing in and of itself is a common sense solution when applied to communicable diseases. However, it is not a common sense solution long term in non true pandemic environments as it creates societies where people are detached from one another. If one is religious, that works in direct opposition with most religions that promote well being and relations between all people. Even for the non-religious, physical and close contact with others is highly desired. Example: for football fans - can you imagine not being able to tailgate, sit next to each other, celebrate with each other, high five/fist bump/hug, etc.? Ridiculous. The totalitarians, communists and fascists throughout history have all used techniques such as these of sensory deprivation to create people who are slaves to their system.
Herd immunity is included in the natural laws of humans and animals. It is natural adjustment to the environment by the species. IT does not matter if it was God created like I believe or occurred due to matter's evolution like non-religious believe because it is what it is. Yes, science can enhance the response by the species when exposed with therapeutics, vaccines and such. However, should science and government leaders create the long term damage to society with mitigation techniques that may cause much larger problems long term. Fauci says, "yes". Gates says, "yes", etc. They fear porn us all of the time. Why? Trace their backgrounds, their associations, their public stances on issues, the money, the control, etc. The Chi-coms are proven to be using AI to perfect the grading of compliance by every single person. Each Chinese citizen is required to carry a cell phone to be able to do anything that has all of their information stored on it. What is Gates promoting? Markers within vaccines to track. Technology/software that tracks people based on COVID-19 presence or not. It goes on and on.
Has nothing to do with mask or no mask, vaccine or no vaccine, whatever. Has everything to do with fear, anxiety and panic creation. Live free or die.