There are a lot of evangelicals in iowa who skew the gop vote. They are certainly not Trump's crowd, and the reason that huckabee and santorum, two christian oddballs, did well in iowa in years past. The gop primary/caucus process is basically about appealing to wingnuts and christians, which is pretty why the republicans have been losing ground nationally (except in the deep south, of course--which has plenty of both!). New Hampshire is different, so that will be an interesting contest. Trump will have to win NH, or his balloon will quickly deflate and his candidacy will probably be over and it will be a contest between cruz (texas wacky) and rubio. Then it's on to extremely conservative South Carolina, where the christians will again be out in force.
I was watching CNN. They obviously left that part out to make the story more interesting.
So here is a nice conspiracy theory for today.
The Cruz campaign took the news that Carson was dropping out and were telling Carson supporters at the caucus sites to change their votes. Apparently many did just that
Rough false rumor to use against a man
All VN needs is rexvol, MidFielder, Montrell Hardy, matts42012, Lord Vader, Sabanocchio, g8terh8ter_eric, Escape Goat, lylsmorr, MrBamSeydu, jmoore_21, MikeHamiltonFan, Kingston Vol, volunteerlane, ORANGE & WHITE, Ravenheart, SigNu_VolFan, KnoxVillain, etc. to show up & the recruiting forum will be partying like it's 2009.
What are the polls showing in Tennessee? I assume Cruz and Clinton are leading?