Recruiting forum off topic thread (no politics, covid, or hot button issues)

You been busy the last couple of decades, I see?

I think it's lingering and worsening effects from the decades-ago motorcycle accident with no helmet.
I just don't follow Gary Busey, and I didn't know anything about his motorcycle accident. I just know that every time that I see him, he seems like he's severely stoned.
I refuse to watch anymore of that abomination...I gave it one season, and they did was to turn a beautiful AWESOME story into a unrecognizable pile of woke 💩...I hate them for it.
I didn't make it a whole season. Like 2 or 3 episodes and I was out. They turned the characters into crap that was never in the books. They eluded to the fact that Rand and Egwene had sex in the first episode, gave Perrin a wife and killed her, and turned Mat and his family into thieves and drunkards. That alone was reason to never watch another episode.
Curious...where do you think Cayden Green fits in as a starter on the line?
You have got to change your avi, friend.

*Between the "Big purple L" and your username being so close to @LA Vol it's messing with me.

Here's some recent VN pics that I think you might like to have as your avi.....
*If you have a request, I can probably make something for you.
I didn't make it a whole season. Like 2 or 3 episodes and I was out. They turned the characters into crap that was never in the books. They eluded to the fact that Rand and Egwene had sex in the first episode, gave Perrin a wife and killed her, and turned Mat and his family into thieves and drunkards. That alone was reason to never watch another episode.
Wait 'til you see the Amyrlin's seat.
They are one of the suppliers of ethanol which is damaging our internal combustion engines. Corn is for feeding beef, not for making cars go vroom.
10%, brought to you by the Petrol industry to save as much coin as possible on each tank, but charge same amount of $
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