So, Dabo only recruits southerners?
You are caricaturing Christians, sneaking in the assumption that they are all intolerant assholes that can't disagree with other people about metaphysical beliefs while still accepting them as peers and treating them with respect.
You are also holding Christianity to a standard that you apparently won't hold other metaphysical structures to. I.e. Christianity is narrowminded and judgy because it thinks it is correct and others are wrong.
But that can be said of every religion/worldview. Buddhism's beliefs differ from Christianity, else Buddhism would be Christianity. But you don't seem to hold Buddhism to that same critique. Atheism differs greatly from Christianity, and obviously thinks they are correct. Hell, YOU critique Christianity but I guess you won't hold yourself to that same criticism per condescension and judginess for having differing beliefs that you believe to be correct beliefs.
At the end of the day, no group fully agrees with every other group. And generally, people believe things because they believe them to be true. It's seems odd to single out one group for doing so, no?
I don’t understand the point of the first question.
As about the statement about my feelings towards Christians, could not be farther from the truth. I do not make that assumption. I have no ill will towards Christians in their entirety. Where do you think I stated that all Christians are intolerant assholes? That’s just not true. I know many Christians that are some of the purest and most loving people I’ve ever met. I do not characterize an entire populous based on the label of their collective belief system. That’s actually what I’m standing up to.
My statement wasn’t about a specific belief system. It was about the action of intentionally spreading belief systems based on the premise that they are the good or correct others are bad. I can’t help it that many (not all) Christians have been taught they need to spread the all good word to others that aren’t yet believers in order to be “good Christians”. That’s my experience. That, I do have a problem with. That, I have not experienced from other religions. Maybe it’s just a function of the sample size, but I have not experienced that from other religions and I most certainly have from SOME (not all) Christians. I myself am Jewish, and I’ve never shouted it from the mountain tops or claimed it to be correct. I actually like it about it that their is so much questioning in it.
I hold Christianity to the same standard that I hold all belief systems to. It is admittedly a high one, and hard to meet. That said, I have not stood here and proclaimed my belief “system” to be right while others wrong. However, I will stand here and say that the action of publicly purporting of an entire belief system as good is wrong if it implicitly implies that others are not. If you want to discuss a belief about a specific action or topic, I’m all for it. But I’m not going to sit here and let the label of “good” or “[insert belief system here]” be touted just as I would not tolerate a republican characterize democrats as “[insert gross generalization here]” OR VICE VERSA. There is no correct at the broader level. Just like there is no incorrect.
Drew could have said the same thing as a Jew or Muslim or whatever and I would have reacted the same way. Dabo could be preaching Judaism or Buddhism or Muslim or whatever and I would still believe that practice to be wrong in that setting. I resent identity politics. I resent the “spread” of organized religion.
I’m sorry if it was conveyed through my post that Christianity is wrong or bad. Not the case. Just providing perspective from someone who is a minority and lives every day knowing it and weary of being judged, directly or indirectly, for it.