On Rivals, we have 8 4* and 7 3* (Total 15).
Alabama has 1 5*, 9 4* and 7 3* (Total 17).
Alabama is #8 in terms of Points (quantity) and #3 in terms of Average (quality). We're 27 in Points and 8 in Average.
If J. Guarantano (#31) gets bumped up to 5* (likely) and Butch adds two 4*s (easy for him to do), we have exactly the same class as Alabama.
On Rivals, Mecole Hardman Jr is a 5*. Nigel Warrior is a 5* on Scout/4* on Rivals. We're in the running for about a dozen 4* among all the services.
[Florida has 25 verbals, but 16 are 3*.]
Butch has already pulled offers on some 3s and even a couple 4s. He knows what he's doing. I'm resting easy we'll be in the Top 5 again in terms of quality, which is where it's at.
Ignore the hystericals here and in the media. We were behind 24-3 vs. UGA and won going away.
Alabama has 1 5*, 9 4* and 7 3* (Total 17).
Alabama is #8 in terms of Points (quantity) and #3 in terms of Average (quality). We're 27 in Points and 8 in Average.
If J. Guarantano (#31) gets bumped up to 5* (likely) and Butch adds two 4*s (easy for him to do), we have exactly the same class as Alabama.
On Rivals, Mecole Hardman Jr is a 5*. Nigel Warrior is a 5* on Scout/4* on Rivals. We're in the running for about a dozen 4* among all the services.
[Florida has 25 verbals, but 16 are 3*.]
Butch has already pulled offers on some 3s and even a couple 4s. He knows what he's doing. I'm resting easy we'll be in the Top 5 again in terms of quality, which is where it's at.
Ignore the hystericals here and in the media. We were behind 24-3 vs. UGA and won going away.