Recruting gets nod on Two Forty Seven

"The way to turn Tennessee football around is to improve its roster, which has slowly eroded since the Phillip Fulmer era"

Slowly? It was decimated. We've "slowly" gotten it back....well in terms of years. Coach Jones 14 class looks like light at the end of the tunnel.

Guess I gotta add...Butch gets it.
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I wonder if Coach Jones has a chip on his shoulder? He seems to have a lot of motivation, and it has to be coming from somewhere. Every time I see an article about CBJ, the tone is kind of like, "SURPRISE, this guy is actually kind of good!" There's some veiled disrespect built in there. Basis for motivation? Who knows, but Tennessee always plays better as the underdog, right? It would be interesting if our coach had a perpetual underdog complex.

also, i also thought it was twenty four/seven, as in in 24 hours, 7 days a week. heck, i don't know
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Is it just me or has the excitement surrounding the football program and all the great public relations work Butch is doing also affected the other sports programs? Maybe I'm just paying more attention, but it seems like with the no. 1 softball class coming in next year and now football recruiting doing well, basketball and baseball recruiting seem to be on the upswing. Maybe we just have the right coaches in place and the stars are aligned at the right time, but I get the feeling that the entire University is benefiting from "Butch Buzz". Let's hope he doesn't take up motorcycle riding. LOL!
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Recruiting has not slowly eroded since the Fulmer era... it has slowly recovered from the end of the Fulmer era. His last three classes to include the one he started that Kiffin tried to salvage are the very reason the program fell as it did.
"I did say I would paint my face orange and sing Rocky Top should UT finish with the top class this cycle....oh and I live in Nashville, too..."

-247 Staff.
Is it just me or has the excitement surrounding the football program and all the great public relations work Butch is doing also affected the other sports programs? Maybe I'm just paying more attention, but it seems like with the no. 1 softball class coming in next year and now football recruiting doing well, basketball and baseball recruiting seem to be on the upswing. Maybe we just have the right coaches in place and the stars are aligned at the right time, but I get the feeling that the entire University is benefiting from "Butch Buzz". Let's hope he doesn't take up motorcycle riding. LOL!

Look at Alabama. They've been winning national championships left and right. I think the football team's success has had an impact on that.
Read a piece the other day from parent attending orientation with their child that said parents and kids alike were buzzing about the football program. Said the highlight of the session was lunch at Neyland Stadium. Also read that donations to university are up. I'm pumped. Please from here on, let's drop all the nonsense about should have kept Fulmer(he had lost his mojo and grown complacent) and the nonsense about Jon Gruden (don't think he would have given up the glamour of his TV gig). Time to admit we seem to have found someone whom has worked his way up and knows what a great situation he is in and apparently knows what he is about and what it takes to succeed

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