The Cards rival is the Scrubs make no bones about it. The Reds are annoying right now due to having a huge douche bag as a manager and the biggest "rooster loli pop" in all of the bigs playing 2nd.
Soon Douche Bag Dusty will get fired again or die from choking on his tooth pick and the Biatch on 2nd will get traded and the Reds will fall back to their rightful place in the Central along with the Astros, Pirates and Brewers. All fighting for 3rd place.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
Soon Douche Bag Dusty will get fired again or die from choking on his tooth pick and the Biatch on 2nd will get traded and the Reds will fall back to their rightful place in the Central along with the Astros, Pirates and Brewers. All fighting for 3rd place.
Posted via VolNation Mobile