1. Ummm...anywhere that is safe for them and their family. I think anybody in their situation would want to do the same. The real question would be if they had the means to move. If I didn't, I would keep a very low profile in the Middle East.
2. Ok.
3. It depends on how you look at it. From a cultural standpoint, they can defineitly take over the world. It is entirely possible.
However, they will never be able to dominate the world as long as there is a non-Muslim nation state. Fervent Islam tends to look down upon science and technology. Until the wild influx of money due to crude oil, the Middle East was a total ****hole. Due to the vast corruption in the various regimes across the region, despite all the wealth from oil, it still is in most areas. When the technology of alternative energy eclipses a certain point, they are going to be screwed (although developing countries will bail them out a little longer). Their relevance to the superpowers will, again, fade into obscurity.
In short, Islam will continue to spread and increase its influence of relevance. However, we have nothing to worry about because we are becoming a secular nation state more and more everyday. The future socioeconomic hardship of the Islamic world will cause a steady drop in their sphere of influence (after the initial expansion I previously alluded to). The availability and relative easy of Western culture, centered around their modern technology, will also play a role in this.
4. As for the article you linked, I view that as an isolated incident. There are radicals in every religious and political doctrine. Through their relative radical notions, they tend to get all the publicity. It does not necessarily follow that they are an accurate representation of a grassroots movement.
5. RT and myself talked about this a couple months ago. Social contracts are referred to as "social" for a reason. They are not individual contracts with the government. They are contracts between a group of people, citizens, with themselves (essentially) to adopt a governing body which meets the standards, needs, and expectations of the majority. If the governing body strays from fulfilling those guidelines, the citizens reserve the right to terminate the contract (overthrow the government).
6. My father was born in '46 and my mother was born in '51.
7. Their incredible selfishness. They were handed almost everything by "the greatest generation". They grew up with the comforts of everything, unlike the generation before them which grew up with absolutely nothing. Since then, they have constantly voted either implicitly or explicitly to embetter themselves at the expense of future generations. That is to briefly sum it up. I also think to a lesser extent, the advancement of matriarchy by the baby boomers has negatively effected the social structure of our society and inevitably the country as a whole (btw, not just limited to the US).
1. It isn't just egypt, it is every contry in the world that is dominated by islam and even in such countries as Kenya which has only about a 5% muslim population.
I won't belaber the point by listing all the countries but at least you aren't one of those who deny this campaign is continuing.
One of the biggest problems is our own government, particularly the current administration that won't use it's diplomatic or even military influence to reduce or stop such activity.
An interesting read, the guy that does this blog is one of the best at producing an erudite view on the topics about which he writes.
Sultan Knish a blog by Daniel Greenfield
On Christmas Day of last year, Muslim terrorists set off bombs in churches across Nigeria. It was one of the worst attacks by Boko Haram which is determined to continue its reign of terror until the country is ruled by Muslim law. Christian pastors have been beheaded by Boko Haram and a spokesman for the group has openly stated that their interim goal is "to eradicate Christians from certain parts of the country."
The Boko Haram death toll has surpassed a thousand in only a few years. It has killed 250 people this year alone. It draws inspiration from the Taliban, has links to Al-Qaeda and has carried out numerous sophisticated attacks, including multiple car bombings.
That leaves one question. Why hasn't Boko Haram been designated a terrorist organization? it has killed more people than some of the organizations on the list and it is dedicated to ethnic cleansing, something that we decided was unacceptable when it came to Muslims. Shouldn't it then be equally unacceptable when it is being done by Muslims to Christians?
I suggest when the muslims have eliminated Christians from 'certain parts' of the country, then other 'certain parts' will be designated.
Why do we have a media blackout of this and many more examples that are the same.
Why no public outrage in America?
When the alternative media came along I was appalled that the Arab muslims of Sudan had slaughtered 2 million black Africans in Southern Sudan? Why did I never hear of that being reported in the lame stream media during the thirty years that the genocide went on.
BTW, just for perspective, at the end of WWII, Sudan was 20% muslim Arab, today it is 80% muslim Arab.
3. I agree with most of what you say but what of the extensive problems being experienced in the secular European states concerning muslims and islam?
Wouldn't it be better to do something to counter the problem now rather than later?
4. Again we can agree to disagree, there is nothing at all isolated about his statement and his writings, look only the the muslim brotherhood and the Saudi wahibbi influence that funds about 80% of the imams preaching in the mosques of America. BTW, mosques in America are increasing exponentually.
5. Some of the founding fathers said that we have not only the right but the duty to overthrow corrupt, oppressive government. Actually doing that is not only daunting but formidable these days. As for the majority, 67% of the American people oppose Obamacare but we are dangerously close to having that social contract, whether we like it or not. The socialists say they have no need of a majority, all they need is a very dedicated 12 to 20%, that's what is actually happening today.
7. I predate them by a few years and I for one have always opposed advancing socialism and increased national indebtedness. As a matter of fact I have expressed repeatedly that I am livid about the current rate of deficit spending because it is making my grandchildren into slaves.
I doubt it is the baby boomers who are to blame for electing Barack Obama and although baby boomers may have supported Bush, look at the sorry other choices, Al global warming Gore and John Freaking Kerry.
Not all baby boomers think alike, I for instance live for the day I can piss on John Kerry's tombstone and publish it on the internet.
So don't blame me for what the government has done over my objections.