Remember 9/11

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DHS is a bigger threat. It should be gone but is a great example of a govt program that once implemented will never be dissolved. We're getting exactly what we asked for. Keep voting for tribes
Unfortunately, we are past the point of fixing this. The establishment won’t let any outsiders have a seat at the table.
DHS is a bigger threat. It should be gone but is a great example of a govt program that once implemented will never be dissolved. We're getting exactly what we asked for. Keep voting for tribes

I knew the dhs would be weaponized when the communists got control. Dhs was created just so muslims wouldn't be examined more closely at airports.
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DHS secretary: ‘Threat landscape has evolved considerably’ since 9/11

More of the “if they don’t trust the government they are radicalized” junk.

“We are seeing an emerging threat, of course, over the last several years of the domestic violent extremist,” Mayorkas said. “The individual here in the United States radicalized to violence by a foreign terrorist ideology, but also an ideology of hate, anti-government sentiment, false narratives propagated on online platforms, even personal grievances.

So every single American could be classified as a Domestic Terrorist Extremist.

No wonder we need to confiscate everyone’s firearms!
I knew the dhs would be weaponized when the communists got control. Dhs was created just so muslims wouldn't be examined more closely at airports.
It was weaponized by your tribe too. Heck, they created the environment for it to even be considered. Don't default to being a political hack simply because you know nothing about what's going on
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Unfortunately, we are past the point of fixing this. The establishment won’t let any outsiders have a seat at the table.
It's not the establishment it's the party hacks who continue to act like they won something by simply voting for the winner.
9/11 was an absolute success for our enemies. Most of it is self-inflicted but not sure that matters anymore
Wasn't Bin Laden's objective to get us and maybe the Brits out of Saudi Arabia? Did we leave after 9-11?
9-11 was certainly used as an excuse for the government to get further into everyone's business.

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