how would mark elder be "fine"? that would be far from fine. and then you're just gonna "bring in" another "top notch" recruiter? where are you getting this top notch recruiter you refer to?
they will hire from within the great staff of Cincinnati, the greatest in america.
Add to that his shady dealing with G Jones and some at AU even said he tried to get AU recruits to NOT choose AU after he was let go. I am all VOL so if he were hired, I would support him. I honestly just hope it does not happen.
Was Jay Graham from Cincinnati? How did that work out? I guess you think your clever pulling out the same old tired worn out greatest staff jokes. You're not
i am just using what jones is. he's the one that keeps saying it. not me.
Do you get off by being a complete rude dick to other people on the internet? Did you get severely bullied as a child? Why all of the hostility towards a man who just made a goofy comment? I bet in real life you wouldnt even look another man in the eye, just saying. Its funny, all of the cyber wannabe badazzes in here. Now you, sir, imo,are very funny.