Republican Election Fraud Going Unpunished

Democrats complaining about election fraud among Republicans is about as silly as a man with a dozen DUIs complaining about a jaywalker 😂
That's such a dumb thing to say.

When it comes to voter fraud stemming from the 2020 Presidential Election, Republicans have nothing to point towards except de-bunked conspiracy theories, unverifiable anecdotes, easily-explained anomalies, and bull $hit affidavits.

Democrats have Republican felony convictions to point to, including that of Donald Kirk Hartle of Las Vegas, Nevada, who Republicans had held up as a case-in-point against mail-in ballots. See the link below.

Nevada man featured in GOP ad on voter fraud admits to forging dead wife's name on ballot
I thought you liberals said election fraud doesn’t happen?
We have said that widespread fraud, significant enough in nature to alter the outcome of a state, doesn't happen. We clearly do have a problem with isolated incidents of fraud, involving immoral Republicans.

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