Republican Tax Increases Kicking In

He should be kicked
he should be kicked off Twitter for spreading misinformation
Too meet budget rules. To make them permanent would have taken 60 votes to pass and none of the Dems would vote for it.

What were the budget rules that allowed them to make the corporate rates permanent but phase out the middle class? Is there a reason they couldn’t have set that up in reverse?
You dolt, your party didnt make the tax cut permanent

I am not a dolt and do not have a Party, but you are implying that the tax increase was passed by the Democratic Party, and that is not true either. When Republicans passed their huge tax cuts for the top tax bracket, they also passed a tax increase on the middle class and differed it until this year, 2021. In one short sentence, you got three things wrong.
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What about other tax brackets? Are they going up too?

This was passed a few years back, and I remember that the top bracket received immediate, permanent cuts and the middle class brackets went up later, in 2021. So I'd need to look into it more to give you a good answer. I'm going on memory.
I am not a dolt and do not have a Party, but you are implying that the tax increase was passed by the Democratic Party, and that is not true either. When Republicans passed their huge tax cuts for the top tax bracket, they also passed a tax increase on the middle class and differed it until this year, 2021. In one short sentence, you got three things wrong.
So they could have reversed the permanence but chose corporations over individuals because they expected trickle-down to work this time. And that’s the Dems fault?
Well that’s your whine narrative just as the article said it would be. Another has been Dem still robbing citizens of tax cuts even after he’s long gone from Congress, Byrd 😂

The Finance Committee made the right decision in choosing the economy over optics and politics. The Chairman’s Mark makes the corporate rate cut and the international provisions permanent, but sunsets most the individual provisions in 2025, thus giving the public the impression the Committee favors big business over regular taxpayers.
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It's not in their best interest to fix things

Correct and it goes for both parties. Immigration could be fixed in short order also but that would just take away something to divide us with.
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Well that’s your whine narrative just as the article said it would be. Another has been Dem still robbing citizens of tax cuts even after he’s long gone from Congress, Byrd 😂

So the right leaning Tax Foundation said it was the better choice to choose corporations over individuals back in 2017?


They chose the right course for the economy.
Yeah... because trickle-down has always worked so well in the past.
So the right leaning Tax Foundation said it was the better choice to choose corporations over individuals back in 2017?

View attachment 349450

Yeah... because trickle-down has always worked so well in the past.
Sure they’re right center. They’re also factually consistent in their analysis. And yeah your head will spin and you will spit green pea soup before you admit that.

Go figure, an organization founded on responsible fiscal tax policy being right center. The outrage 😂
So they could have reversed the permanence but chose corporations over individuals because they expected trickle-down to work this time. And that’s the Dems fault?

corporate rates helped our company hire a bunch of people and our sales increased when the tax cuts started. We brought in alot of business these past 4 years. So id say the "trickling" down worked well.
corporate rates helped our company hire a bunch of people and our sales increased when the tax cuts started. We brought in alot of business these past 4 years. So id say the "trickling" down worked well.
They prefer facts over truth.

So then make more money.


Good idea, but let's stop the hypocritical moaning about Democrats raising taxes. Republicans raised taxes on the middle class while cutting taxes on the top bracket. Unless you have annual income of $400,000, Biden will not raise your income taxes. If you do make that much, then you can take your own advice, because historical economic data shows Democratic tax policies grow the economy faster than Republican tax policies.
Not surprisingly, this change is completely misrepresented by tweet.

No ‘Stealth Tax Hike’ in 2021, but Individual and Business Tax Increases Loom

While it is important to consider the impact of the TCJA on premium tax credits and health insurance take-up, it is misleading to call this effect a “stealth tax increase.” The decline in premium tax credits has nothing to do with a change in tax rates or the generosity of the credits as established under the ACA, but rather due to voluntary decisions individuals make about whether to purchase qualified health insurance.
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