What complete crap. Surely this is illegal? I'll be honest, I prefer more subdued patriotism. We sing the national anthem before national sports events, such as England soccer/football games, but not before every sporting event like here..and I never see people flying the Union Flag outside their homes (to be honest its seen as being slightly trashy to do so). I prefer it that way, although I always stand/take off my hat when I'm at an American sports event and respect it. I'm a defender of patriotism, but not when it crosses the line into jingoism as some people tend to take it. Anyway, getting off point, I really dont see a reason for this. How could someone possibly be offended by a flag?? I guarantee that if this company had to go out and try and find a single person who was offended by it, they wouldnt be able to. It kind of reminds me of all the stories in the right wing press each Xmas about local authorities banning the word 'Christmas' in case it offends non-Christians.....yet they cant find a single example of anyone being offended by it. I think its down to the ridiculously over litigious age we live in. Everyone is terrified of offending someone in case they get sued for it.