Rest In Peace

RIP,Hank. Hank was a great guy. This is Knoxville specific. Hank was a certified chef and manager of Ye Olde Steak House. His Mom, Cherly along with her sister and brother own the steak house. His Dad, Hugh Ray owned and operated HooRays in the old city, back in the day. I can't imagine what Hugh and Cherly are going through at this time. To lose a son has to be one of the worst things a parent could imagine. Hank was only 44. RIP Hugh Ray Wilson, Jr.
RIP,Hank. Hank was a great guy. This is Knoxville specific. Hank was a certified chef and manager of Ye Olde Steak House. His Mom, Cherly along with her sister and brother own the steak house. His Dad, Hugh Ray owned and operated HooRays in the old city, back in the day. I can't imagine what Hugh and Cherly are going through at this time. To lose a son has to be one of the worst things a parent could imagine. Hank was only 44. RIP Hugh Ray Wilson, Jr.

He was a relative of my wife. A sad situation. RIP

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