Revenue sharing will impact Tennessee football salary cap, NIL

I think this is all comical really. Especially the butt hurt fans who's crying it's over ect. None of this really affects me or you in the slightest. The games will still come on Saturday and I still won't care how much money is in their pockets nor will be interested in their personal lives to investigate. I'll just watch football on Saturday.
they still have to determine ways to generate revenue.. Anxious to see that develop.

2022-23 fiscal year saw UT athletics generate the largest revenue stream in their history, $202,097,305. Its a good thing the just agreed on payment structure was not in place because they would not have had the money to pay players. The expenses for that year was $191,032,519.

Something is going to have to give somewhere. Expect all operating cost (expenses) to continue to rise along with adding player payment to the expense ledger. Get your checkbooks ready boys and girls, UT needs your help.
You're probably right. Just the same, I wouldn't bet against the UT. UT fans are the most rabid, insane, loyal nearly to a criminal fault, fanbase there ever was or perhaps will be. If what you say shows its head, along with well-connected and deep pocket "friends", fans will donate like crazy. They're too orange-ized not to. Co Vols!
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they still have to determine ways to generate revenue.. Anxious to see that develop.

2022-23 fiscal year saw UT athletics generate the largest revenue stream in their history, $202,097,305. Its a good thing the just agreed on payment structure was not in place because they would not have had the money to pay players. The expenses for that year was $191,032,519.

Something is going to have to give somewhere. Expect all operating cost (expenses) to continue to rise along with adding player payment to the expense ledger. Get your checkbooks ready boys and girls, UT needs your help.
But to operate as a not for profit the athletic dept have to spend pretty much what they bring in revenue wise correct? The fact that there was only 11M remaining is probably more to do with how much the athletics kicks back to academics, how much they allocate to future upgrades etc.. just to not show a huge profit. That’s my understanding from Bud Elliot. It’s just a shell game of make your expenses look as high as possible to keep your not for profit status.
But to operate as a not for profit the athletic dept have to spend pretty much what they bring in revenue wise correct? The fact that there was only 11M remaining is probably more to do with how much the athletics kicks back to academics, how much they allocate to future upgrades etc.. just to not show a huge profit. That’s my understanding from Bud Elliot. It’s just a shell game of make your expenses look as high as possible to keep your not for profit status.

I'm sure that is true and that they can trim a lot of fat. If you look at the financial statement for 2023-23, $62,658,428 of expense is allocated for non-specific sports programs. i.e., not related to any men's or women's program. I'm sure that is overall athletic department support and administration.

How much of that can be trimmed? Will they be willing to do that prior trying to generate revenue? How much revenue can be generated with naming rights on Shield-Watkins field? How much revenue can be generated by allowing ads on uniforms?

Lot of questions remain.
I think this is all comical really. Especially the butt hurt fans who's crying it's over ect. None of this really affects me or you in the slightest. The games will still come on Saturday and I still won't care how much money is in their pockets nor will be interested in their personal lives to investigate. I'll just watch football on Saturday.
That's the spirit!
Agreed. This is what the players deserve. Think of all the things they have paid for, for our city, revenue brought to Knoxville, which is likely in the billions over the decades. Them getting their fair share is long overdue.

Yes, they deserve it. Being abducted off of playgrounds across America and being forced into slave like labor of playing football against their will like medieval gladiators. They are due for their payday after all of this pain and suffering. The players have rights.
It's not about what someone else makes.
It's about the schools and the NCAA making hundreds of millions while the athletes couldn't make a penny. That's just dead wrong, and it's not legal under federal law. It's exploitation. It's a good thing that it's ending.
There sure are a lot of news accounts saying non athletes are buckling under the pressure of student loans. So they were earning a few pennys.

Do athletes at schools in the red deserve pay?

These rulings COULD end up shutting down a bunch of programs and the 85 schollys go with them.

Still predict some new laws are on the way by the have nots congressmen. There are more reps in districts with Memphis, TTU, ETSU, MTSU, type ties than the HAVES.

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