As a result of Butch hysteria, he's becoming quite overrated around here.
I guess Tulane-quality defenses can also have that effect.
Josh Dobbs got drafted and I never thought I'd see it. "Jones'" offense has actually been good prior to this year
Your right Tulsa is pitiful, but our QB still hasnt threw a touchdown since Indiana State. Plus Ferguson outdueled Rosen at UCLA who most analyst predict to be a first round pick if he comes out.
Your absolutely right which is really sad all around. I drove for Covenant Transport years back and his uncle was a legal employee there. Really loved his Vols and couldnt stop bragging during orientation about his nephew. Seemed like the whole family bled orange thru and thru. I was pulling for him, but sometimes young adults just havent mentally matured enough to thoroughly think things thru.Ferguson is definitely better than our QB. I don't think that's debateable.
Regardless of what Butch could have done, there's 0 chance Riley would be playing here this year
He just threw his 27th TD against Tulsa, thats 4 tonight. Anybody think he'd rather be throwing screen passes for Butch in this pitiful offense? He's played his way into the 2nd Round, possibly higher.