It's positive because we had a good passer, and Butch let him get away. Everybody was mad at Dooley for not kissing up to the running back (Brown?) who went to K-State and then to the Philadelphia Eagles.
Why aren't they mad at Butch since we have no passing game, and we had a man with a golden arm ahead of Dobbs on the depth chart?
It's positive because we had a good passer, and Butch let him get away. Everybody was mad at Dooley for not kissing up to the running back (Brown?) who went to K-State and then to the Philadelphia Eagles.
Why aren't they mad at Butch since we have no passing game, and we had a man with a golden arm ahead of Dobbs on the depth chart?
It's positive because we had a good passer, and Butch let him get away. Everybody was mad at Dooley for not kissing up to the running back (Brown?) who went to K-State and then to the Philadelphia Eagles.
Why aren't they mad at Butch since we have no passing game, and we had a man with a golden arm ahead of Dobbs on the depth chart?
On a more positive note, Riley Ferguson is the starting quarterback at Coffeyville, Kansas Community College, and his team is 4-0.
He is 116 of 171 , completing 67% for 1701 yds, 20 TD's and 3 INT. I believe that he was ahead of Dobbs on the depth chart as a freshman while at U.T., but he had a leg injury. I am glad that he and Peterman are both starting and doing well.
Ferguson will wind up at a big school next season. Good luck. I hope that he doesn't play us.
It's positive because we had a good passer, and Butch let him get away. Everybody was mad at Dooley for not kissing up to the running back (Brown?) who went to K-State and then to the Philadelphia Eagles.
Why aren't they mad at Butch since we have no passing game, and we had a man with a golden arm ahead of Dobbs on the depth chart?
Did you say the same thing about Alvin Kamara and Corderell Patterson? Just curious
With CP and AK the talent was evident not only that but both had pretty good offer lists
it's pretty rare for QBs to excel at the next level after goin to a JC. Cam Newton was the exception - ever1 already knew he was good
js if they kid was going to be playing at a major p5 school next year he would have more offers at this stage