Rise of the latino-white supremist.

I don't even know what this means. I thought it was about their skin color, and they are as white as I am.

The article is trying to make the case that if you're a Latino and you lean right you're a white supremacist. That's the seed they're planting. As you say there are a lot of white Latinos but it's not about the pigment of one's skin. I did not explain it well
The article is trying to make the case that if you're a Latino and you lean right you're a white supremacist. That's the seed they're planting. As you say there are a lot of white Latinos but it's not about the pigment of one's skin. I did not explain it well

And the poster you quoted is known to read into something that was clearly not the intention. Still butthurt that the UFC is giving Colby Covington a title shot.
I believe they call them "ladder kickers" out in SoCal.

Cesar Chavez was one of the first Latino-white supremacists...

Chavez, the UFW and the “*******” Problem

Chavez and the UFW were so against “wetbacks” that they
formed their own private Border Patrol.

Cesar Chavez was, in fact, deeply hostile toward “wetbacks,” as he (and many others of this time) called them. He was relentless in his efforts to halt immigration from Mexico and was active in pursuing the deportation of those already here. Chavez claimed that undocumented workers were driving down wages, and crucially, being used as strikebreakers. Both complaints had merit, of course. Mexican immigrants were routinely used to break strikes; their desperate situation often led them to take whatever work they could get, even if it meant clashing with the UFW’s goals. And certainly, all of these dynamics played a role in wage depression.
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Well you biatch and moan about labels and then use a label. I mean try to be 3% smarter. It's like the time you asked me if I would let an illegal immigrant sleep in a room in my house next to my daughter. Dumb question. Wouldn't let a stranger regardless of legality sleep in a room next to my daughter. Just be 3% smarter. Not a hard ask.

Cesar Chavez was one of the first Latino-white supremacists...

Chavez, the UFW and the “*******” Problem

Chavez and the UFW were so against “wetbacks” that they
formed their own private Border Patrol.

Cesar Chavez was, in fact, deeply hostile toward “wetbacks,” as he (and many others of this time) called them. He was relentless in his efforts to halt immigration from Mexico and was active in pursuing the deportation of those already here. Chavez claimed that undocumented workers were driving down wages, and crucially, being used as strikebreakers. Both complaints had merit, of course. Mexican immigrants were routinely used to break strikes; their desperate situation often led them to take whatever work they could get, even if it meant clashing with the UFW’s goals. And certainly, all of these dynamics played a role in wage depression.

Never knew this guy…. I knew Julio Cesar Chavez though

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