Rivals has us at #11

all these guys do it for attention! they know it will get people talking about them..and if he goes to unc....oh well he they wont amount to anything anyways...they never do!
hes an 18 kid realizing that people like us update eachother every ten min.... when he moves an inch.... he just wants attention i would take da'rick any day of the week over a media whore like ambles.....
Why does Rivals have us at #11 and Scout has us at #21 with the same players. What's the difference?
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that i will a gree with sec is the best.... but i still think stars can be bs at least 50% of the time.... hell look at B Brown... he was supposed to be the BEST player, the number one recruited kid outta hs.... and as far as im concerned he did have a pretty good year had a bit of an injury... and still did very well... but there are people out there that will tell you there were 10-15 freshmen that outperformed the #1 recruit....i guess take it fur what it is

"Firss time caller, longe time lissner... Okay coarch, Imma hang up 'n' lissen"
well if u wanna make fun of someone who is less educated then you are apparantly..... go right ahead.... seems alittle bit rude to me. i been a true vol fan for going on bout 30 years....you are the type of fan that really pisses me off....people who make fun of people over nothing....

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