
Whos Tennessee's biggest rival?

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A win against Bama is just as sweet this yr as it was the last and the yr before, I'm only 37 but Bama is always the big win of the season for me and the most painful loss(thank the football gods that hasn't happened alot as of late). I also think that because of living in such close proximity to hords of bamma fans (more than I like here in Southern Middle Tenn) that it keeps the rivalry kindled. I only know 1 gaturd fan personally.
Originally posted by redneckdave@Jul 12, 2005 4:40 PM
is it really a rivalry if its  one sided? 


South Carolina/Clemson is still a rivalry even though they suck...USC that is
I guess it kinda depends where you grew up... I grew up in Florida, so while I can see Alablamer as the all time biggest rival - recently (last 10 years) they havent been any more worthy of biggest rival than Vandy has. So I must disagree with U-T, if one side gets their butts kicked year after year (ala Vandy) it REALLY takes the luster off of a rivalry.

So I hadda vote Florida... Because RIGHT NOW they are our biggest rival. Lets face it we alll see a bigger question mark on the Gainsville part of the schedule than we do on the Tuscalooser part - that translates into a bigger game - which translates into a bigger rival.

Originally posted by Septic@Jul 13, 2005 4:09 PM
while I can see  Alablamer as the all time biggest rival - recently (last 10 years) they havent been any more worthy of biggest rival than Vandy has.

:wacko: No better than Vandy!?!?!?! Have you actually watched any of the Bama games the last several years?

I guarantee that no matter what the record or rank or disposition of their probation status of either team, when the BIG ORANGE and the crimson tide hit the field its gonna be a knock down, drag out, mouth smashin, make-you--wet-the-bed, stand up and smack yo momma, all out war. If that doesn't make it our biggest rivalry what does?

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