Riyahd Jones Update...

Football is one thing but I really hope this young man gets better and can end up playing. We just need to pray for Riyahd. Go Vols!
Going back to acl surgery. That's one of the unfortunate side effects when arteries and/or nerves are involved. Keeping leg elevated is one way to help alleviate that and sometimes just peoples bodies dont heal ideally. Wish him a full recovery.
That sounds like it could be life threatening , I'm no medical expert though . Get well soon Riyahd

Could in extreme cases or limbs lose function and occasionally amputation. However with the treatment these kids get thankfully that's an incredible long shot. Something similar happened to Tommy Frazier who I still consider the best college football player of my generation. He fought back and succeeded in overcoming his blood clot.
Brent Hubbs just reported that Riyahd Jones is battling circulation/blood clotting issues in his lower extremities. Obviously, we won't know the severity of it. The bright spot is that CBJ initially said he expected him to be back this season, so maybe it isn't as serious as these things can sometime get.

Keep Riyahd in your thoughts and prayers

Wow. At his age, inherited coagulopathy, or sickle cell anemia. Get well, whatever it is.
If he's developing clots, then thinning the blood would help. If he's bruising too easily and having excessive bleeding, then thinning the blood is the last thing you want. Not sure exactly what his issue is.....hope for the best.

I skipped over the circulatory issues and just saw clotting - in which case I assumed he wasn't clotting adequately ie thinning would be terrible for him. My mistake
Get well, Riyahd! Volnation is praying hard for your full recovery. I hope we get to see you back on the field soon.

Good luck, God bless, & Go Vols!
I was some what being sarcastic with he ole "rub some dirt on it." But I actually had a blood clot myself, to the point it had to be surgically removed. Been on a daily baby aspirin regimen ever since and doing fine.

It's called enteric therapy and the dose is 81mg , take one daily. :hi:
Brent Hubbs just reported that Riyahd Jones is battling circulation/blood clotting issues in his lower extremities.

This fits with the reports back in mid August of him having swollen calf muscles. If this is true it's likely something serious, he could be looking at some sort of disease causing this issue(PAD, kidney, heart, or liver issues). As much as I hate to say it but he probably won't be playing for UT again.

Hopefully I'm wrong, either way prayer sent!
Talked to his Dad the other day at Fort Benning and he indicated that Riyhad was doing ok and didn't indicate it was anything serious. I pray that he gets better soon.
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That is typically what is done. See Coumadin, heparin, Lovenox, fragmin, xarelto, and aspirin

Depends on what is causing it. If he has something like i had that didn't show up til my 20's, a blood disorder/missing a protein or two in the blood that tells the blood when to stop clotting, it takes a while to get the dosage and diet right.

Plus, it can fluctuate, especially when first put on it, and it can get too thin relatively easy to where football is the last thing you want to be playing.

Hope it isn't anything quite like that, but certainly nothing to play around with.
Depends on what is causing it. If he has something like i had that didn't show up til my 20's, a blood disorder/missing a protein or two in the blood that tells the blood when to stop clotting, it takes a while to get the dosage and diet right.

Plus, it can fluctuate, especially when first put on it, and it can get too thin relatively easy to where football is the last thing you want to be playing.

Hope it isn't anything quite like that, but certainly nothing to play around with.


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