I loved were he said he doesn't want to file a lawsuit against McNamee because of the high cost of litigation. I always imagined him to be the Travis Henry type, spending all his money on gold jewelry.
like i said... retire and hide.
we both know the real reason he doesn't want to bring a lawsuit up.
Honestly, are we ever going to know the truth? I don't see any way this can ever be anything but a he said/the trainer said situation. If there were proof, it would be out there already.
We will never know who is telling the truth. Might as well just move on....
It would be a he said/he said situation if it hadn't been glaringly obvious for over half a decade that Clemens has been juicing, IMO. He was in obvious decline when Boston dumped him; he was a .500 pitcher from 93-96. And then suddenly, at the height of the steroid era, he turned it around and started winning Cy Youngs again. The only Hall of Famer who's ever enjoyed a comparable late-career renaissance is, uh, Barry Bonds.
The only thing left to find out is whether Clemens is confident enough that he hasn't left any evidence that he'll lie to Congress about it.
The only thing left to find out is whether Clemens is confident enough that he hasn't left any evidence that he'll lie to Congress about it.
if clemens is innocent why during his phone conversation with the trainer did he never ask why the guy was lying?