Roll models in reverse---Bray and Rogers

When any of our players want to act stupid and believe they are bigger than life, Butch should show them film of Bray and Rogers and then tell them "this could be you". Plenty of talent but no brains.

That should do it :salute::salute::salute::salute:

Shut up.
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That's pretty much it. Wins = Forgiveness. Losses=Never forgetting.

Casey Clausen might be an exception to that theory. He won even more than Ainge yet to this day there is a segment of this fanbase that dislikes him for a variety of reasons.
My roll model.
Ainge was putting a needle in his arm doing heroin, he gets all this slack, amazing how we hate Bray sooo much as vol nation.

Ainge wasn't a prick and never threw games! He played to the best of his abilities (even if they were somewhat diminished)!
I think were known more for the Fulmer cup than good role models. Butch has and will change that quickly.
we have more retarded fans than any team in the country...why are you so butt hurt about Bray and Rodgers when it was the DEFENSE and of course Dooley in general that caused us to suck last year????????
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Stupid thread. I can think of many others that made bigger mistakes in their lives than these two. They were kids being kids... immaturity. They still have a shot at good nfl careers. If it doesn't pan out for them then it doesn't, but in general I see them as good people. Lay off them.

Need to get those eyes check bro......
Bray and Rogers are not the ones to blame. I know it's cliche' but they really are just kids... and like a kid without a proper father, a college football player without a proper coach is likely to fall on his face.

Enter the blame of Dooley here.
I never have understood why people take pleasure in seeing other people fail. Is your life really this sad.

If you think anyone took any pleasure in watching those two throw the KY game or watching Bray screw up time and again off the field, watch Da'Rick transfer because he "just wasn't going to be told what to do" by the coaches and he was going to smoke weed if he felt like it, and basically watch a team melt down that had more talent than any team in the last SEVERAL years act like a fire ant hill that's been kicked, then you need to re-evaluate how you judge what people are saying.

I NEVER enjoyed seeing them fail. When someone fails once or twice but gives a heck of an effort in failing, I tell them to get their head up because the played their butts off. But when they fail, act like failures on and off the field, and then admit that they failed because they didn't give their all, I have no "good" wishes for them other than they get their heads screwed on straight. I don't wish ill of them but definitely won't "pull" for them.

Sorry, the post is scattered, but just because I don't "wish them well" doesn't mean that I wish them ill either. I just wish they would go away.
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I agree that they have not made the most of their talents. However, I do still imagine they will both make more in the next 5 years then a lot of these posters will make in a lifetime.

And that has not the first damn thing to do with the conversation. The freaking dealer down on the corner will make more in the next 5 years than I will (assuming he isn't in the pen).

I don't really care what they do now, I am just pissed at the way they represented themselves while they were at UT. Spoiled rotten children and street thugs are still spoiled rotten children and street thugs no matter how much talent they have.
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Ainge wasn't a prick and never threw games! He played to the best of his abilities (even if they were somewhat diminished)!

Let's not forget Jonathan Crompton. Played hard for 4 different OC (if I remember correctly). Never threw a game and did what the coaches asked of him. I would trade Crompton's attitude for Bray's ANY DAY!
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I would prefer we welcome former Vols back and support them. Use Miami players for those examples.
Ainge was putting a needle in his arm doing heroin, he gets all this slack, amazing how we hate Bray sooo much as vol nation.

This is just my guess but I think people dont give Ainge a hard time because he gave more while he was at Tennessee and he played with a broken finger for most of his senior year. For a lot of Vol fans almost anything is acceptable as long as you are giving your all for the orange and Bray didnt. Again this is just my guess.
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we have more retarded fans than any team in the country...why are you so butt hurt about Bray and Rodgers when it was the DEFENSE and of course Dooley in general that caused us to suck last year????????

Because if you took the time to watch the games then you would know that it wasn't all defense that caused us to lose some games. Bray has his fair share of blame.
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what happened to them?
They are still going to make bank, and both at minimum will be on the roster for the year.
thats all kids are going to see. Not to mention Butch had nothing to with them.

Id rather him show that picture of Dooleys hair in the Miss St pressbox, and tell them they have no where to go but up
Bray and company are the only reason we didn't lose every game by 50 points last for off the field problems lol he just got caught..if you think everyone else but him was little saints, your probably as dumb as the post y'all make on a regular basis...get over before long yall will have another player to cry about and bash

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