Romney/Petraeus Ticket?

My father was in meetings with he and the SecDef, and that is one thing that stood out to my dad about him. He didn't give a **** about politics. He was straightforward and gave brutally honest assessments of the situation. Wasn't afraid to give answers that the Admin didn't want to hear.

Of course, that comes from behind closed doors. So not many people might realize it

Can't say I have ever spoken to the man or even met him beyond a passing salute. He was way way beyond my pay grade, I do know some guys that eventually worked for him, 2 of the 3 did not care for him.

I also disagree with his tactics.
My father was in meetings with he and the SecDef, and that is one thing that stood out to my dad about him. He didn't give a **** about politics. He was straightforward and gave brutally honest assessments of the situation. Wasn't afraid to give answers that the Admin didn't want to hear.

Of course, that comes from behind closed doors. So not many people might realize it
I think this might eliminate him from the convo....
Gamechanger in the sense that he is very well respected on both sides of the political spectrum and his recent track record of success (militarily) suggests he knows how to put the right people in the right places to run a successful organization. It's an outside-of-the-box consideration for Romney and I give him credit for his covering all bases with his impending decision.

It is interesting to hear from people who have actually worked with/under him. It's a perspective most folks don't have. It is true a good general doesn't always equal good polititian.
Ras made the important point - the country is war weary. The image of putting a military person in high office will just signal (right or wrong) we got more fightin' to do.
Ras made the important point - the country is war weary. The image of putting a military person in high office will just signal (right or wrong) we got more fightin' to do.

Politically, it would be an unwise move, IMO
My father was in meetings with he and the SecDef, and that is one thing that stood out to my dad about him. He didn't give a **** about politics. He was straightforward and gave brutally honest assessments of the situation. Wasn't afraid to give answers that the Admin didn't want to hear.

Of course, that comes from behind closed doors. So not many people might realize it

I'll give him that, he certainly held his own at the top levels. And, there is no doubt that he turned things around in Iraq and earned his place in history for that.

But the military is pretty insulated and even the top generals are free from some of the ridiculous scrutiny that happens to anyone even rumored to be considered for the ticket. That is where I think he would run into trouble.

Knowledge of international affairs, national security, strategic vision etc, he would be top notch. Domestic policy, economics and working in the Washington climate would be a problem.

Playing second fiddle to Romney would also be an issue, imo.
My dad worked with him quite a bit while serving on the Joint Staff. So it's based on his personal interaction with the man.

The guy that I consider my mentor worked for him (my guy was second in command to him at a very senior level, and my guy is a bona fide strong leader) and some general reservations with the leadership at hand. There is a lot more to leadership than calling it like it is.

I don't know personally, so I'm not sure we can validate the strong leadership. It might be there, but don't let the 4 stars fool you. As many of those guys are political players as much as they are transformational leaders.

Wes Clark was a 4 bullet, NATO commander, Rhodes Scholar, yadda, yadda, yadda...but on the leadership front...
Ras made the important point - the country is war weary. The image of putting a military person in high office will just signal (right or wrong) we got more fightin' to do.

I don't like that angle and I don't like the spending angle when talking about hiring a guy from enormous bureaucracies that have grown unfettered over the past decade+. I can't imagine him coming in with the mindset to attack the main issue facing our country's well-being.
Drudge is reporting that Romney reached out to Gen. Petraeus as his possible running mate.

Wait, I thought it was going to be C. Rice?

Oh, that was the last VP rumor Drudge made up to divert the conversation away from Romney himself.

Carry on then.
I think the Rice thing was because she was the darling of one of the PAC conventions held in Utah a while back. Appearantly she got a standing O. Personally, I have never been a fan of academics in true leadership roles.
I don't like that angle and I don't like the spending angle when talking about hiring a guy from enormous bureaucracies that have grown unfettered over the past decade+. I can't imagine him coming in with the mindset to attack the main issue facing our country's well-being.


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